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Alaska Region

1.35 billion acres of seafloor

BOEM’s Alaska OCS Region

Our mission: To manage development of U.S. Outer Continental Shelf energy, mineral, and geological resources in an environmentally and economically responsible way.

With about 45 specialists working mainly out of our Anchorage office, the Alaska OCS Region manages offshore energy and mineral development on Alaska's vast Outer Continental Shelf.

As an important partner in America’s energy security and overall Arctic security, we are committed to managing the development of these natural resources in an environmentally and economically responsible way. We do this with a committed team that includes petroleum engineers, geologists and geophysicists, environmental and policy analysts, biologists, oceanographers and a dedicated Tribal and Community Liaison.

Key Regional Information

What is the Alaska OCS?

The Alaska Outer Continental Shelf comprises the submerged lands that lie more than three nautical miles from the state's shoreline. (In contrast, the submerged lands within three miles of Alaska’s shores are state waters, and are thus regulated by the State of Alaska.) Alaska has more coastline than the rest of the United States put together, so as you might imagine, our OCS is enormous: More than a billion acres -- about 65 percent of the size of the entire contiguous 48 states. That expanse contains immense energy and mineral resources. Alaska’s OCS is estimated to contain 24.69 billion barrels of oil, 124.03 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 3,800 gigawatts of potential wind, tidal and wave energy.

Alaska Management Areas
Stylized graphic of a map of Alaska surrounded by an approximation of the OCS boundary for that BOEM region.