Atlantic Science Year in Review 2022
This year in review presents the studies completed in 2022 in support of BOEM’s Offshore Renewable Energy Program along the Atlantic coast. The studies represent a broad spectrum of research and monitoring to address a variety of environmental concerns and issues. This review represents a snapshot of the ongoing and completed studies funded in whole or in part by BOEM.
Past Atlantic Science Years in Review:
BOEM-funded research continues to contribute to the growing body of scientific knowledge on the marine environment and informs BOEM's decision-making regarding renewable energy planning, leasing, and development efforts. Take a look at the completed studies to learn more:
Acoustics in the Marine Environment
- Collecting background acoustic data of species presence using passive acoustic monitoring at two locations along the Atlantic Coast
- Baseline sound data collected from Nantucket Sound and Delaware Wind Energy Area for one year
- Evaluating baseline sound and observing fish responses to sound
Effects Of Pile Driving Sounds On Non-Auditory Tissues Of Fish (2013)
- Laboratory experiments exposing marine species of fish to various levels of sound
Evaluating Acoustic Technologies to Monitor Aquatic Organisms at Renewable Sites (2013)
- Comparing capabilities and constraints of a variety of acoustic technologies
- Determining leatherback turtle hearing sensitivity range
- Examining current and emerging technologies for reducing sound generated during certain ocean activities
Birds and Bats
Abundance and Distribution of Seabirds Off Southeastern Massachusetts, 2011-2015 (2016)
- Results from aerial surveys in the Massachusetts and Rhode Island wind energy areas
- Evaluating the use of acoustic monitoring technology for monitoring and mitigation at offshore wind facilities
Additional Statistical Analyses to Support Guidelines for Marine Avian Sampling (including Appendix A and B); Appendix C; Appendix D; Appendix E (2018)
- Examining the number of surveys required for selected avian species to evaluate habitat use in defined areas of the Atlantic outer continental shelf using power analysis
- Collecting baseline data about roseate terns off Massachusetts
- Using historical distribution data to predict future shifts in bird distribution patterns
Assessing movements of birds using digital VHF transmitters: A validation study (2021)
- Evaluating the use of nanotag technology to observe bird interactions with offshore wind turbines.
Assessing movements of birds using digital VHF transmitters: A validation study
- Using nanotag technology to determine the fine scale movements of listed species
- Providing an index to determine the vulnerability of 177 species of birds observed on the outer continental shelf to bird strikes by wind facilities and displacement
- Determining vulnerability of marine birds to renewable energy infrastructure.
- Provides a synthesis of observations of seabirds and shorebirds along the Atlantic Coast for 177 species including maps of sightings per unit effort
- Using satellite telemetry to track migration patterns of Northern Gannets, Surf Scoters, and Red-throated Loons.
Determining Night Time Distribution of Long-tailed Ducks Using Radio Telemetry (2009)
- Using radio telemetry of long-tailed ducks to learn more about their use of Nantucket Sound as habitat
Flight Activity and Offshore Movements of Nano-Tagged Bats on Martha’s Vineyard, MA (2017)
- Using nano-tag transmitter technology and a network of receivers to investigate the risk of offshore wind energy development to the Northern Long-eared Bats on Martha's Vineyard.
- Comparison of traditional aerial survey methods with new high-resolution videography for evaluating presence, distribution, and abundance in marine waters
Information Synthesis on the Potential for Bat Interactions with Offshore Wind Facilities (2013)
- Synthesis of observations of bats in the offshore environment along the Atlantic coast with emphasis on locations off Maine
Mobile Avian Survey Data Collection Software Application (2016)
- Providing a tool for data collection through aerial and boat surveys
- SeaScribe User Manual
- Sea Scribe Privacy Policy
Modeling At-Sea Density of Marine Birds to Support Atlantic Marine Renewable Energy Planning Appendix A; Appendix B; Appendix C; Appendix D (2018)
- Provides easily understandable information in the form of maps of distribution and abundance of birds to aid offshore wind development siting decisions and reduce the risk of impacts to birds.
- Distribution of 40 seabirds along the Atlantic OCS using model predictions
- Using a variety of technologies including tags and direct observations of three species of concern along the Atlantic Coast
- Collecting baseline information about seabirds and marine mammals along the Pacific coast
Pelagic Seabirds off the East Coast of the United States 2008-2013 (2015)
- Observations of seabirds from ships of opportunity
Risk of an Offshore Wind Project to a Migrant Shorebird (2016)
- Modeling the risk of collision for red knots in Nantucket Sound
Statistical Analyses to Support Guidelines for Marine Avian Sampling (2012)
Tracking Movements of Migratory Shorebirds in the U.S. Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Region (2021)
- Describing migratory movements of multiple shorebird species
- Using nanotag technology to evaluate the use of the outer continental shelf by Red Knots
- Appendices A-K
- Using nanotag technology to determine the fine scale movements of listed species
- Stochastic Collision Risk Assessment for Movement (SCRAM)
Cultural and Archaeological Resources
A Guidance Document for Characterizing Native Hawai'ian Culture Landscapes (2017)
- Providing guidance in identifying cultural landscapes.
A Guidance Document for Characterizing Tribal Cultural Landscapes (2015)
- Process for identifying areas of tribal significance
- Collating onshore locations that may be affected by views of offshore renewable energy structures.
- Collating onshore locations that may be affected by views of offshore renewable energy structures.
Battle of the Atlantic: A Catalog of Shipwrecks off North Carolina’s Coast from the Second World War (2021)
- Describing and cataloguing shipwrecks sunk during the Second World War
- Evaluating data collection equipment, methods, and sound source intensity from the equipment used for archaeological investigations
Developing Protocols for Reconstructing Submerged Paleocultural Landscapes and Identifying Ancient Native American Archaeological Sites in Submerged Environment (2020)
- Summary report of the initial project workshop;
- Field Report: 2013-2016;
- Best Practices
- Geoarchaeological Modeling
- Final Report
- Summary of historic properties along the Atlantic coast that may be affected by offshore wind development under section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act
Inventory and Analysis of Archaeological Site Occurrence on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (2012)
- Database of known marine archaeological sites on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf
- Database of known marine archaeological sites on the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf
- Tool for processing magnetic survey data
Maryland Collaborative Archaeological Survey (2016)
- Assessing locations of archaeological sites within the Maryland Wind Energy Area
New York Collaborative Archaeological Survey (2021)
- Investigating anomalies in geophysical data from the New York bight to determine the presence of shipwrecks
North Carolina Collaborative Archaeological Survey: Kitty Hawk Wind Energy Area (2017)
- Reconnaissance-level archaeological survey of portions of the Kitty Hawk WEA
North Carolina Collaborative Archaeological Survey: Wilmington East and West Wind Energy Areas (2020)
- Baseline archaeological survey in the vicinity of the Wilmington East and West Wind Energy Areas
The Unseen Landscape: Inventory and Assessment of Submerged Cultural Resources in Hawai'i (2016)
- Identifying and collating submerged cultural resources.
Virginia Collaborative Archaeological Survey (2015)
- Assessing locations of archaeological sites within the Virginia Wind Energy Area
Atlantic Region Wind Energy Development: Recreation and Tourism Economic Baseline Development (2012)
- Synthesis of economic information for selected coastal counties for use in determining effects from offshore wind development
Economic Impact from Large-Scale Deployment of Offshore Marine and Hydrokinetic Technology in Oregon (2015)
- Evaluating the economic impact from the scenario of developing 13,000 MW of electricity from deployment of marine hydrokinetic devices off the coast of Oregon
- Providing an overview of energy markets and energy infrastructure along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts
Evaluating Benefits of Offshore Wind Energy Projects in NEPA (2017)
- A discussion and guide for National Environmental Policy Act document preparers to use to incorporate benefits from offshore wind development.
Floating Offshore Wind in Hawai'i: Potential for Jobs and Economic Impacts from Two Future Scenarios (2016)
Floating Offshore Wind in Oregon: Potential for Jobs and Economic Impacts from Two Future Scenarios (2016)
- Analysis of scenarios to determine the economic impact of Floating wind developments to state economies
Oregon Offshore Wind Site Feasibility and Cost Study (2019)
- Assessing the present and future costs of floating offshore wind technology deployment in the state of Oregon at commercial scale
- Assessing offshore wind power technologies and the present and future costs of offshore wind in the state of California
Survey and Assessment of the Ocean Renewable Energy Resources in the US Gulf of Mexico (2020)
Electromagnetic Fields
- Evaluating the effects of electromagnetic fields on migratory fish in San Francisco Bay
- Assessing effects for electromagnetic fields on marine fishes
Electromagnetic Field Impacts on American Eel Movement and Migration from Direct Current Cables (2021)
- Observing responses of Eels to a High-Voltage Direct Current cable in Long Island Sound
Effects Of EMF From Transmission Lines On Elasmobranchs And Other Marine Species (2011)
- Literature synthesis and model validation of effects from electromagnetic fields on marine life
- Field measurements and modeling of electromagnetic fields (EMF) from high voltage direct current (HVDC) cables and field observations of response to the fields by the American Lobster and Little skate Under Fates and Effects,
- Summarizing the current knowledge about the effects of EMF on fish for use in National Environmental Policy Act assessments
Renewable Energy in situ Power Cable Observation (2016)
- Comparing distribution of marine life on and around cables that are both electrified and dormant
- Observing the response of rock crabs to an underwater power cable
Environmental Fates and Effects
A Parametric Analysis and Sensitivity Study of the Acoustic Propagation for Renewable Energy. Appendix D (2020)
- Analysis of pile driving acoustics and sensitivity to parameters such as water depth
Assessment of BOEM's role in reviewing hydrogen production as a complement to offshore wind (2022)
- Evaluating the process of hydrogen production and potential environmental effects
Coastal High Frequency Radar Wind Turbine Interference Mitigation (2021)
- Developing a software solution to remove interference from offshore wind turbines.
Comparison of Environmental Effects from Different Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations (Updated August 2021)
- Using existing data about turbines and the marine environment to compare effects from different turbine foundations
- Evaluating the risks of chemical spills under various scenarios at offshore wind facilities using three locations along the Atlantic coast as examples
- Findings and recommendations based on a literature review of surrogate structures to determine whether wave and tidal devices will create artificial reefs or become fish attracting devices
Field Observations During Offshore Wind Structure Installation and Operation, Volume I (2021)
- Measuring pile driving sound during the installation of two turbines off the coast of Virginia with one pile attenuated
Field Observations During Offshore Wind Structure Installation and Operation, Volume 2 (2023)
- Measuring operational sound from two turbines off the coast of Virginia
Field Observations During Offshore Wind Structure Installation and Operation, Volume 3 (2023)
- Measuring Turbidity, Corrosion, and Biofouling over a 2 year period at two turbines off the coast of Virginia
Field Observations During Wind Turbine Installation at the Block Island Wind Farm, Rhode Island (2019)
Field Observations During Wind Turbine Operations at the Block Island Wind Farm, Rhode Island (2019)
Field Observations during Wind Turbine Foundation Installation at the Block Island Wind Farm, Rhode Island : Appendix A; Appendix C; Appendix D; Appendix E1; Appendix E2; Appendix E3; Appendix F (2018)
- Observations of activities during the installation of foundations at the Block Island Wind Farm including airborne and underwater sound; seafloor disturbance and recovery; and testing of scour monitors.
- Developing mitigation for interference in HF radar measurements from offshore wind turbines.
- Case studies of environmental impacts from European wind facilities including physical processes, underwater noise, benthic ecology, fish and shellfish ecology, seabirds, and marine mammals.
- Providing a framework for the evaluation of cumulative effects in environmental assessments.
- Providing a framework for the evaluation of cumulative effects in environmental assessments.
Observing Cable Laying and Particle Settlement During the Construction of the Block Island Wind Farm (2017)
- Direct measurements and observations during the laying of cable from Rhode Island to Block Island
Offshore Wind in the US Gulf of Mexico: Regional Economic Modeling and Site-Specific Analyses (2020)
Radar Interference Analysis for Renewable Energy Facilities on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (2020)
- Provides potential radar interference mitigation solutions for land-based systems impacted by offshore wind development and a summary of how atmospheric phenomenon or "ducting" influences these impacts.
Underwater Acoustic Monitoring Data Analyses for the Block Island Wind Farm, Rhode Island (2019)
- Observing the installation of wind turbine structures and early operation at the Block Island Wind Farm.
Wind Turbine Generator Impacts to Marine Vessel Radar (2022)
- Evaluating the interference of wind turbine generators on marine vessel radar conducted by the National Academy of Sciences
Environmental Mapping
Bayesian Integration for Marine Spatial Planning and Renewable Energy Siting - Final Report (2013)
Bayesian Integration for Marine Spatial Planning and Renewable Energy Siting - Technical Manual (2013)
- Using Bayesian techniques to provide a tool to evaluate offshore areas in the context of ecosystem services that considers the interaction and relationships between ecological, social and economic systems
Comprehensive Seafloor Substrate Mapping and Model Validation in the Atlantic (2019)
- Use field observations to calibrate and validate modeling of seafloor structure.
Marine Biogeographic Assessment of the Main Hawai'ian Islands (2016)
- Mapping the distribution of species in the Hawai'ian Islands.
Oregon OCS Seafloor Mapping: Selected Lease Blocks Relevant to Renewable Energy (2017)
- Mapping the seafloor and subseafloor geology at a potential renewable energy site.
- Documenting where coastal communities use the ocean across a full range of typical human activities and sectors
Environmental Monitoring
- Appendix
- Monitoring benthic disturbance and fouling on the wind turbines at Block Island Wind Farm for three years
- Continuation of monitoring benthic disturbance and biofouling at the Block Island Wind Farm
- Characterizing benthic habitat at five locations along the Washington, Oregon, and Northern California coasts
- Providing guidance and tools for conducting pre-construction surveys for marine species including birds, marine mammals, and fish
- Developing monitoring protocols to evaluate the alterations of the seafloor due to the presence and growth on wind turbine foundations.
- Providing guidance and tools for conducting pre-construction surveys for marine species including birds, marine mammals, and fish
Ecological Baseline Studies of the US Outer Continental Shelf (2021)
- Surveying off the coast of North Carolina for birds, marine mammals, and sea turtles
Evaluation of Lighting Schemes for Offshore Wind Facilities and Impacts to Local Environments (2013)
- Recommending best management practices for lighting of offshore structures that maintain safety while minimizing the effects on the marine environment
- Using coupled models to evaluate the effects of the presence of wind turbine structures on larval transport
- Synthesizing the concerns of fishermen about offshore wind development and recommending a research agenda
- Developing and testing methodologies for finding munitions and explosives on the seafloor.
- Continuation of seafloor recovery monitoring at the Block Island Wind Farm
- Observing the recovery of the seafloor after disturbance by offshore wind construction activities
- Using two storm events and a wind farm scenario to evaluate effects on ocean circulation and larval transport
West Coast Environmental Protocols Framework: Baseline and Monitoring Studies (2012)
- Providing a framework for determining baseline survey needs at wind, wave, and tidal proposed development locations
Fish and Fisheries
- Using telemetry to track the movements of sturgeon and other fish in the New York Lease Area.
- Evaluating responses of black sea bass and longfin squid to pile driving sound exposure
Benthic Habitat Mapping and Assessment in the Wilmington-East Wind Energy Call Area ; Appendices (2016)
- Identification of hard grounds and shipwrecks within the Wilmington East Call Area
- Linking multiple data sources to better describe fishing vessel activity on the Atlantic OCS
Collaborative Fisheries Planning for Virginia’s Offshore Wind Energy Area (2016)
- Identifying areas of the Virginia wind energy area used by local fisherman
Habitat Mapping and Assessment of Northeast Wind Energy Areas (2017)
- Establishes baseline benthic habitat characteristics for wind energy areas along the Atlantic coast.
- Synthesizing information from local stakeholders about the marine resources and local uses of proposed North Carolina wind energy areas
Fishing/Offshore Wind Mitigation Measures Development Workshops (Updated 2019)
Final Report on Best Management Practices and Mitigation Measures (2014)
- Recommendations about best management practices and mitigation measures for offshore wind development from a series of workshops with fisherman
- Provides guidance for establishing a research strategy for both pre- and post- construction
- Estimating the relative abundance and distribution of larval lobster and fish
- Using telemetry to monitor movements of tagged fish in the Maryland Wind Energy Area
- Use acoustic telemetry to track movements and use of the Delaware Wind Energy Area
- Monitoring the movements of highly migratory fish species using acoustic telemetry to determine movements in wind energy areas
Socio-Economic Impact of Outer Continental Shelf Wind Energy Development on Fisheries in the U.S. Atlantic (2017) Volume 1, Volume 2
- BOEM worked with the National Marine Fisheries Service to better understand fishing activity as it relates to areas of potential offshore wind energy development.
Southern New England Juvenile Fish Habitat Research Paper (2017)
- Providing habitat maps and distribution of key fish species off the coast of Massachusetts
Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Lobsters and Crabs in the Rhode Island/Massachusetts Wind Energy Area (2018 Update)
- Provides a third year of surveys to develop a baseline for measuring the cumulative effects of wind development offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts.
- Develops a baseline for measuring the cumulative effects of wind development offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts, as well as contribute to the assessment of the southern New England lobster stock, which is currently at a low level of abundance.
- Using modeling to evaluate the impacts of offshore wind on the surfclam industry
- Evaluating baseline abundance and distribution of zooplankton in the Southern New England area
Marine Mammals and Other Protected Species
Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species: FY15 - FY19; Appendix I; Appendix II; Appendix III (2021)
- Continuation of the Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (AMAPPS) which focuses on collecting seasonal data on the abundance, distribution, and behavior of marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds throughout the U.S. Atlantic.
Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species: 2010-2014; Appendix I; Appendix II-V; (2017)
- Seasonal surveys of protected species on the outer continental shelf.
- Baseline data collection at two proposed development sites off the Northern California coast
Determining Habitat Use by Marine Mammals and Ambient Noise Levels Using Passive Acoustic Monitoring Offshore of Maryland (2019) Information Sheet
- Deployment of a passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) array in the wind energy area located off the Maryland coast to describe marine mammal presence, distribution and seasonality.
- Developing a methodology for real-time observations of whale presence.
Humpback Whale Encounter with Offshore Wind Mooring Lines and Inter-Array Cables (2018)
Humpback Whales and Floating Offshore Wind Farms (a companion video) (2019)
- Using whale stranding data and geomagnetic information to determine if there are indications of cause and effect.
- Detailed summary of marine mammal and sea turtle occurrence and life history along the Atlantic coast
- Continuation of aerial surveys for protected species to evaluate seasonal distribution and abundance.
- Continuation of aerial surveys for protected species to evaluate seasonal distribution and abundance.
- Continuation of aerial surveys for protected species to evaluate seasonal distribution and abundance off Massachusetts.
- Observing marine mammals and sea turtles over a three year period in the Massachusetts and Rhode Island wind energy areas
- Developing a tool to assess towed passive acoustic system design used to listen for marine mammals
- Collecting baseline data about seabird and marine mammal distributions at selected locations along the Northern California, Oregon, and Washington coasts
Risk Assessment to Model Encounter Rates between Large Whales and Vessel Traffic from Offshore Wind Energy on the Atlantic OCS; Vessel Risk Calculator: Graphical User Interface User’s Manual: Vessel Risk Calculator (2022)
- Determining risk of vessel strikes for large whales
- Evaluating zooplankton populations in the changing environment of the Gulf of Maine
Understanding Whale Presence in the Virginia Offshore Wind Energy Area (2019)
- Deployment of a passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) array in the wind energy area located off the Virginia coast to describe marine mammal presence, distribution and seasonality.
Physical Environment
Data Gathering Process: Geotechnical Departures for Offshore Wind Energy (2018)
- Clarifying the geotechnical data gathering process
Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Development Assessment (2021)
- Assessment of the technological, environmental, and financial issues related to the development of floating offshore wind turbines on the Outer Continental Shelf.
Geohazard Analysis and Suitability Updates for California Floating Windfarms (2023)
- Summary: Provides an update from the previous study with newly available geophysical and geotechnical data where information was integrated into the geohazard assessment to fill in data gaps and to assess site conditions and geohazards at several locations off the coast of California.
- Evaluating methods for providing geological information used in siting wind turbines.
Metocean Characterization Recommended Practices for U.S. Offshore Wind Energy (2018)
- Providing recommended practices for characterizing metocean data.
Offshore Wind Energy Facilities Emission Estimating Tool Version 2.0 | User's Guide V2 | Technical Summary | Technical Documentation| Instructional Video (2017)
- Quantifying emissions associated with the development, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of a proposed offshore wind farm.
Development of Guidance for Lighting of Offshore Wind Turbines Beyond 12 Nautical Miles (2016)
- Providing an evaluation of lighting and marking guidance for offshore wind turbines.
- Identify and rank areas off of Oregon for suitability for wind and wave renewable energy development
Prediction of Wind Energy Resources on the Outer Continental Shelf with Weather Models Task 1 (2011)
- Assessing the wind energy potential using a numerical weather model from the Delaware Wind Energy Area
Potential Earthquake, Landslide, Tsunami and Geo-hazards for the U.S. Offshore Pacific Wind Farms (April 2020)
- Provides an understanding of geohazard risks in areas under analysis for the development of potential future offshore wind farms in the Pacific.
- Assessing offshore wind power technologies and the present and future costs of offshore wind in the state of California
Virginia Ocean Geophysical Survey Phase II Analyses: Offshore Virginia Wind Energy Area (2016)
- Collecting broad scale geophysical data from the Virginia wind energy area and evaluating different processing and interpretation methods
Roadmap: Technologies for Cost Effective, Spatial Resource Assessment for Offshore Renewable Energy (2014)
- Assessing technologies for evaluating wind resources including LiDAR and CoDAR
- Compiling existing information about air emission sources on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf
Social Science
- Providing a methodology for assessing the visual impacts of offshore wind energy facilities.
Atlantic Offshore Wind Energy Development: Values and Implications for Recreation and Tourism (2018)
- Regional-level analysis of visual effects from offshore wind facilities on tourism and recreation
- Identifying the infrastructure needed for offshore renewable energy development on the Pacific coast and Hawai'i
Identification of OCS Renewable Energy Space-Use Conflicts and Analysis of Potential Mitigation (2012)
- Identifying space use conflicts between renewable energy and other uses of the ocean on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts
- Evaluating different methodologies for determining the effects of offshore wind development on recreation and tourism using the Block Island Wind Farm as a case study.
North Carolina/South Carolina Offshore Wind Stakeholder Assessment (2018)
- Assessment of stakeholder perspectives regarding renewable energy development offshore North and South Carolina
- Understanding what is important to communities, and how differing values and perceptions across communities influence local receptivity to proposed development.
- Assessing the potential impacts associated with the development of offshore wind energy facilities on marine vessel navigation
The Identification of Port Modifications and their Environmental and Socioeconomic Consequences (2016)
- Examining ports along the Atlantic coast for their use in supporting offshore wind development and determining the modifications they may needed on selected ports
Workshops and Literature Synthesis
- Bringing agencies together to discuss passive acoustic monitoring data standards and management
Improving Monitoring, Data Consistency, Archiving, and Access for Improved Regional Integration of Renewable Energy Science Workshop Summary on Satellite and GPS Tracking of Avian Species (2023)
- Bringing agencies together to discuss avian tracking methodologies
Improving Monitoring, Data Consistency, Archiving, and Access for Improved Regional Integration of Renewable Energy Science Workshop Summary on Passive Acoustic Monitoring and Marine Mammals June 2-3, 2021 (2021)
- Bringing agencies together to discuss passive acoustic monitoring methodologies
Atlantic Ocean Energy and Mineral Science Forum (November 16-17, 2016)
- Sharing of ongoing and recently completed studies with the public and acquiring input for future information needs.
Atlantic Offshore Renewable Energy Development and Fisheries Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief (2018)
- Summarizing National Academy of Sciences subcommittee discussion on the research and monitoring needed to assess potential impacts from offshore wind turbine installation and operation on fisheries on the Atlantic OCS.
Atlantic Wind Energy Workshop-July 12-14, 2011 (2011)
- Workshop Summary
- Synopsis of Federal and state Regulatory and Research activities-Workshop Handout
- Summarizing existing information along the Atlantic in support of renewable energy development and identification of information needs
Best Management Practices Workshop for Atlantic Offshore Wind Facilities and Protected Species (March 7-9, 2017)
- Discussing and identifying approaches for preventing, reducing, and monitoring impacts to marine protected species from the development of offshore wind on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf.
Ecospatial Information Database:U.S. Atlantic Region (2014)
- Georeferenced database for literature searches
Effects Matrix for Evaluating Potential Impacts of Offshore Wind Energy Development on U.S. Atlantic Coastal Habitats and Supporting Spreadsheet (2017)
- Supporting the preparation of National Environmental Policy Act evaluations of potential impacts from offshore wind facilities on coastal habitats
- Literature review and proceedings on effects of noise on fish, fisheries, and invertebrates.
Literature Synthesis for the North and Central Atlantic Ocean (2011)
- Collection of literature from the North and Mid-Atlantic to support renewable energy development
- Sharing of experiences from Europe in the areas of cultural resources, avian species, and benthic habitats
Oregon Marine Renewable Energy Environmental Science Conference Proceedings (2013)
- Identifying research and monitoring needs to determine environmental effects of offshore wind and wave technologies
Phased Approaches to Offshore Wind Developments and Use of Project Design Envelope (2017)
- Informs BOEM on how phased approaches and project design envelopes could be implemented for environmental reviews of offshore wind facility Construction and Operations Plans
Potential Impacts to Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles from Offshore Wind Research Framework Workshop - Research Framework Workshop Proceedings(2019)
A Framework for Studying the Effects of Offshore Wind Development on Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles (2019)
- Developing a research framework to evaluate the effects of offshore wind development on protected species
South Atlantic Information Resources: Data Search and Literature Synthesis (2013)
- Collection of literature about the marine environment in the South Atlantic planning area to support energy development
- Informing future strategies to reduce the risk of vessel strikes on North Atlantic Right Whales from offshore wind industry activities
Update of Summary of Knowledge: Selected Areas of the Pacific Coast (2010)
- Collection of literature about the marine environment for selected areas along the Pacific coast in support of energy development
Worldwide Synthesis and Analysis of Existing Information Regarding Environmental Effects of Alternative Energy Uses on the OCS and Workshop (2007)
- Worldwide Synthesis Report
- Workshop Summary
- Summarizing existing information about marine resources and environmental effects from renewable energy worldwide
Workshop: U.S. and International Electrical Safety Standards for Offshore Wind (June 2020)
- BSEE and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) recently commissioned the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory to convene a workshop to identify issues with offshore electrical safety. The proceedings, detailed in the Electrical Safety Standards Harmonization report, are recommendations from subject matter experts possessing specific skills vital to our understanding of offshore wind facility electrical design and safety.
State of the Science Workshop - Compensatory Mitigation for Offshore Wind, July 15, 2024
- A compensatory mitigation workshop for offshore wind and birds featuring topics pertaining to compensatory mitigation regulatory drivers, environmental analysis, debits and credits, and criteria for developing compensatory mitigation plans.