Administrative Boundaries

The Bureau has developed offshore administrative lines from each adjoining coastal state as described below. The Bureau undertook this task in light of the increasing number and type of both traditional and non-traditional energy, alternative energy-related, and other activities on the OCS. We have used, to the extent practicable, the updated National Baseline (or Supreme Court fixed baselines where they exist) to derive offshore administrative boundaries in compliance with accepted cartographic practice. For this task, the Bureau has used the computational software known as CARIS LOTS "Limits and Boundaries". This software was specifically designed to meet international standards for calculating marine boundaries, including United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) requirements. For additional details please see the January 3, 2006 Federal Register Notice.

Below are maps, GIS shape files, and ascii text files for the coordinates of these Administrative Boundaries.

Atlantic Region

In the Atlantic Region, all Administrative Boundaries have been computed using the National Baseline.

Updated 04/17/12

Zipped GIS shapefiles for Atlantic Administrative Boundaries.
Updated 03/16/06
Ascii text files of coordinates for the Atlantic Administrative Boundary turning points in Degrees-Minutes-Seconds.
Updated 04/09/12
Page size color map of the Atlantic Region showing Administrative Boundaries and the proposed new Planning Areas for the 2007-2012 Five Year Plan.

Gulf of America Region

In the Gulf of America Region, all Administrative Boundaries have been computed using: National Baseline for Florida; and Supreme Court fixed baselines for Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

Updated 04/12/12

Zipped GIS shapefiles for Gulf Administrative Boundaries.
Updated 02/02/06
Ascii text files of coordinates for the Gulf Administrative Boundary turning points in Degrees-Minutes-Seconds. Seconds have been rounded to two decimal places.
Updated 04/09/12
Page size color map of the Gulf Region showing Administrative Boundaries and the proposed new Planning Areas for the 2007-2012 Five Year Plan.

Pacific Region

In the Pacific Region, all Administrative Boundaries have been computed using the National Baseline.

Updated 04/17/12
Zipped GIS shapefiles for Pacific Administrative Boundaries.
Updated 03/16/06
Ascii text files of coordinates for the Pacific Administrative Boundary turning points in Degrees-Minutes-Seconds.
Updated 04/09/12
Page size color map of the Pacific Region showing Administrative Boundaries and Planning Areas.