A directory for datasets and tools related to the Marine Minerals Program (MMP).
Discover, access, and use a variety of data portals, maps, and other resources that BOEM uses to manage the MMP. Through investments, partnerships, and the National Offshore Sand Inventory (NOSI), we gather valuable data on marine minerals, including their location, quantity, and quality. This research not only enhances our understanding of marine resources but also informs decision-making and management practices.
About the Marine Minerals Information (MMIS) Viewer
Discover the online GIS viewer for BOEM data and information on offshore mineral resources in the Outer Continental Shelf.GIS Data & Web Services
Directly download data to help plan a project, manage multiple uses, further analyze or more.National & Regional Marine Planning Tools
Explore additional tools where MMIS data can be accessed.Our Research & Reports
Access the electronic library of reports related to resource evaluation and environmental research.Geophysical & Geological Exploration Authorizations
Access the electronic library of reports related to geophysical and geological (G&G) exploration.BOEM Staff Data Hub
Locate additional data resources available to BOEM staff only.