Approved Information Collection

An Information Collection Request describes reporting, record keeping, survey, forms or other information collection requirements mandated on the public by a Federal agency.

The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) was enacted to minimize the burden that the government imposes on the public and improve the quality and use of Federal information. The PRA stipulates that every Federal agency must obtain approval from the Office of Management and Budget before collecting the same or similar information from 10 or more members of the public.

A major requirement of the PRA is for each collection of information to display a valid control number and expiration date. You can find BOEM’s current OMB approved information collections below and on OMB’s website,

OMB Control NumberSubjectTitle
1010-0197Environmental ProgramsNorth Atlantic Right Whale Research and Management Activities
1010-0006Oil and Gas and SulfurLeasing of Sulfur or Oil and Gas in the OCS (30 CFR 550, 556, and 560)
1010-0048Geological and Geophysical ExplorationsGeological and Geophysical Explorations of the OCS (30 CFR 551)
1010-0057Oil and Gas and SulfurPollution Prevention and Control (30 CFR 550, subpart C)
1010-0072Marine MineralsProspecting for Minerals other than Oil, Gas, and Sulfur on the OCS and Authorizations of Noncommercial G&G Activities (30 CFR 580)
1010-0081Marine MineralsOperations in the OCS for Mineral other than Oil, Gas, and Sulfur (30 CFR 582)
1010-0082Marine MineralsLeasing of Minerals other than Oil, Gas, and Sulfur in the OCS (30 CFR 581)
1010-0106Oil and Gas and SulfurOil Spill Financial Responsibility for Offshore Facilities (30 CFR 553)
1010-0114Oil and Gas and SulfurOil and Gas Production Requirements (30 CFR 550, subpart A and K)
1010-0151Oil and Gas and SulfurPlans and Information (30 CFR 550, subpart B)
1010-0176Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy and Alternate Uses of Existing Facilities on the OCS (30 CFR 585)
1010-0187Marine MineralsProject Planning for the Use of OCS Sand, Gravel, and Shell Resources in Construction Projects that Qualify for a Negotiated Noncompetitive Agreement
1010-0191Marine MineralsNegotiated Noncompetitive Agreements for the Use of Sand, Gravel and Shell Resources on the OCS (30 CFR 583)
1010-0194Environmental ProgramsEvaluating Connections: Environmental Studies and Assessments