Maritime Application Of The TEIA Agreement

For the purposes of the TEIA agreement only, the “territory” or “area of jurisdiction” is considered to be the exclusive economic zone (EEZ), and the term “boundary” is understood to include all maritime boundaries between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.  Therefore, all portions of all OCS planning areas in contact with the international boundaries of Mexico and Canada are subject to the agreement.   Therefore, projects on the OCS requiring NEPA coverage should address potential transboundary environmental impacts to Canada or Mexico in the EA or EIS.  Parties to the agreement will notify other members of projects which could potentially affect their territory if the project is located within 100 km of the border.  

For OCS activities we would have to notify Mexico and Canada of proposed 5-year programs, lease sales, Development and Production Plans, Development Operations Coordination Documents in the Central and Western Gulf of America and pipeline rights-of-way approvals.  Once the TEIA Agreement is signed by all parties, we will develop a procedure to notify Mexico or Canada for those items that have the potential to cause significant transboundary impacts.   No notification would be required for those actions which are categorically excluded.