The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Gulf of America Region regulates exploration, development, and production activities on about 8,000 active leases including 4,000 production facilities to ensure that activities are conducted safely and in an environmentally sound manner. These regulations are based on numerous environmental laws, regulations, and executive orders.
Prior to commencing, and during activities, companies are required to comply with BOEM regulatory requirements.
Air Quality
Overview of Air Quality Regulations
Air Quality Plans
- Air Quality Information Requirements for Exploration Plans, Development Operations Coordination Documents, and Development and Production Plans. For information, please see BOEM NTL No. 2020-G01.
- Air Quality Emissions Reporting Spreadsheets for EPs and DOCDs
Air Quality Modeling
- Approved Air Quality Models include AERMOD and CALPUFF. For more information, please see BOEM NTL No. 2020-N02.
- Air Dispersion Modeling Information for Exploration Plans, Development Operations Coordination Documents, and Development and Production Plans. For more information, please see BOEM NTL No. 2020-G02.
Artificial Reef Sites, Permit Areas, and General Permit Areas
- Rigs-to-Reefs Policy, Progress, and Perspective
- Rigs-to-Reefs Policy Addendum
- Map (updated December 2015)
- State Contacts (updated February 12, 2014)
Biological Information
- Blocks affected by the Topographic Features Stipulation, Live Bottom (Pinnacle Trend) Stipulation and Live Bottom (Low Relief) Stipulation - List
- Blocks affected by the Topographic Features Stipulation, Live Bottom (Pinnacle Trend) Stipulation and Live Bottom (Low Relief) Stipulation - Map (updated December 2012)
- Chemosynthetic Communities in the Gulf
- ESA Biological Opinion-Incidental Take Statement on Explosive-Severance on the GOM OCS
- Explosive Removal Scenario Simulation Results Final Report (MMS 2004-064)
- MMPA Take-Regulations for Explosive-Severance on the OCS (50CFR216 - Subpart S)
- NOAA Fisheries Biological Opinion for Lease Sale 181
- NOAA Fisheries Biological Opinion for Lease Sale 184
- NOAA Fisheries Biological Opinion for Multi-Lease Sale (185, 187, 190, 192, 194, 196, 198, 200, 201)
- Shock Wave/Sound Propagation Modeling Results for Calculating Marine Protected Species Impact Zones during Explosive Removal of Offshore Structures (MMS 2003-059)
Deepwater Information
Flower Gardens National Marine Sanctuary (Flower Gardens Banks and Stetson Bank)
- Buoy Locations
- Contact
- Map (updated December 2012)
Military Warning (MWA) Information
Map showing MWA boundaries (updated April 21, 2014)
Oil Spill Risk Analysis Model
Ordnance Dumping Areas
Gulf Ordnance Disposal Areas map (updated October 2012)