Gulf Plans Workshop

An all day workshop on July 18, 2017 was held at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans. Participants were updated on the approval process for Exploration and Development plans for activities in federal waters of the Gulf. Topics covered included: information requirements for revised plans, worst case discharge, air quality, and ePlans.

Agenda: Gulf Plans Workshop Agenda

Workshop Presentations

Title / EventPresenter
Revised Plan RequirementsMichelle Uli Picou
Geophysical and Geological Reviews of Exploration Plans and Development Operations Coordination DocumentsJohn Allen
Plans Workshop Meeting ePlansElizabeth Peuler
Overview of Exploration and Development Plan Approval ProcessMichelle Uli Picou and Alvin Jones
Plans Workshop Waste/Discharges and Air QualityMargaret Metcalf and Cholena Ren
Worst Case Discharge (WCD)Grant Burgess