Following are some of the studies funded by BOEM to collect information about the marine environment to support decisions concerning offshore renewable energy development.
- Offshore Wind Impacts on Oceanographic Processes: North Carolina to New York
- Wildlife and Offshore Wind (WOW): A Systems Approach to Research and Risk Assessment for Offshore Wind Development from Maine to North Carolina
- Atlantic Region Wind Energy Development: Recreation and Tourism Economic Baseline Development
- Determining Fine-scale Use and Movement Patterns of Diving Bird Species in Federal Waters of the Mid- Atlantic United States Using Satellite Telemetry
- Determining Habitat Use by Marine Mammals and Ambient Noise Levels Using Passive Acoustic Monitoring Offshore of Maryland
- Maryland Collaborative Archaeological Survey
- Movement and habitat selection by migratory fishes within the Maryland Wind Energy Area and adjacent reference sites
- National Environmental Policy Act Documentation for Impact-Producing Factors in the Offshore Wind Cumulative Impacts Scenario on the North Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf
- The Identification of Port Modifications and their Environmental and Socioeconomic Consequences
Please visit for a complete list of BOEM funded ongoing and completed studies in support of offshore renewable energy development.