Memorandum of Understanding and Memorandum of Agreement (MOU/MOAs)

Bureau/OfficeMOU or  MOA?Who with?Date SignedDurationExpiration DatePurpose of MOU or MOA
BOEMMOUBOEM and State of Maryland6/7/20242 years6/6/2026To describe how BOEM and the State of Maryland will continue to effectively plan for and take the actions necessary to further the implementation of the Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act of 2013, Clean Energy Jobs Act, the POWER Act, the Climate Solutions Now Act, Executive Order 14008, the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, as amended by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, and BOEM’s renewable energy regulations under 30 CFR Part 585 in order to support the coordinated, resilient, and sustainable development of offshore wind generation off the coast of Maryland.
BOEMMOUBOEM, BSEE, and USCG 4/1/202410 years03/31/2034To identify the roles and responsibilities of the USCG, BOEM, and BSEE for the safety and environmental oversight of non-mineral energy activity on the OCS.
BOEMMOUNOAA1/12/202210 years1/11/2032To coordinate the resources, responsibilities, and expertise of both agencies to responsibly advance offshore wind energy development on the Outer Continental Shelf
BOEMMOUEPA1/20/2021indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededThis revised MOU facilitates cooperation and coordination among the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, and the Environmental Protection Agency for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Issuance associated with Outer Continental Shelf Oil (OCS) oil and gas lease activities. 
BOEMMOABOEM/BSEE12/22/2020indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededThis MOA establishes a general framework for coordination between BOEM and BSEE in regulating Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) renewable energy activities. This MOA is intended to clarify each bureau's roles and responsibilities and promote efficient use of each bureau's resources.  
DOIMOUThe Royal Ministry of Petroleum and Energy of the Kingdom of Norway8/18/2020indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededThe exchange of information, experiences, best practices, and policy initiatives regarding offshore oil and gas, offshore wind, and offshore marine mineral activities, and associated topics.
DOIMOUThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands4/8/2019indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededTo promote a mutually beneficial relationship between the Participants in the field of offshore wind energy, with a view to sharing knowledge, experiences, data, and best practices relevant to the development of offshore wind energy.
BOEMMOUBOEM BSEE ONRR MOU3/17/2014indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededBOEM BSEE ONRR MOU
BOEMMOUBSEE10/01/2011indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededBOEM BSEE MOU
BOEMMOABSEE10/3/2011indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededAssignments, Bonding and Pipelines MOA
BOEMMOABSEE10/3/2011indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededEnvironmental and NEPA 
BOEMMOABSEE10/1/2018indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededUpdated 2018 BOEM BSEE NEPA MOA
BOEMMOABSEE7/14/2014indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededEnforcement Activities
BOEMMOABSEE10/3/2011indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededGeological Data 
BOEMMOABSEE10/3/2011indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededMarine Minerals Program 
BOEMMOUBSEE10/3/2011indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededPlans and Permits
BOEMMOABSEE10/3/2011indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededRoyalty Relief 
BOEMMOUBSEE7/17/2014indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededU.S.-Mexico Transboundary Hydrocarbons Agreement
BOEMMOUBSEE2/16/2017indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededManaging the BOEM Safety and Occupational Health Program 
BOEMMOUThe Government of the Kingdom of Denmark5/4/20165 years5/3/2021To promote a mutually beneficial  relationship between the participants in the field of offshore wind energy, with a view to sharing knowledge, experiences, data, and best practices relevant to the development of offshore wind energy.
BOEMLetter of IntentUnited Mexican States National Agency for Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection of the Hydrocarbons Sector 10/5/2016indefiniteMay be discontinued 90 days after written notice by either partyStrengthen cooperation, coordination, and information sharing on environmental matters related to offshore hydrocarbon activities in the Gulf of Mexico.
BOEMProgrammatic AgreementState Historic Preservation Officers of New Jersey and New York, The Shinnecock Indian Nation, The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation6/3/201625 years6/2/2041Programmatic Agreement BOEM NY & NJ NHPA:To use National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106, consultations to identify historic properties, assess potential effects, and avoid, reduce or resolve adverse effects concerning renewable energy development on the OCS.
BOEMMOABSEE and ONRR1/5/2017indefiniteDate when canceled or supersededTo establish policies on application of proceeds from financial securities called upon in the context of OCS bankruptcies.  Priority given to application of funds toward safety and environmental problems over monetary debts.
BOEMMOUWTRIM: DOD DOE FAA NOAA12/21/20185 years12/21/2023This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) supersedes the 2014 Memorandum of Understanding, Establishment of the Wind Turbine Radar Interference Mitigation Working Group (WTRIM), and establishes a general framework to encourage cooperation and coordination between the signatory agencies.  The purpose of this MOU is to identify and develop the means to mitigate the potential technical and operational effects of wind turbine projects on critical radar missions within the jurisdiction of the signatory agencies, including offshore regions.
BOEMMOUDeepwater Wind South Fork and Environmental Consultants 7/2/20183 years7/2/2021MOU SFWF NEPA -Deepwater Wind South Fork and Environmental Consultants
BOEMMOUNational Oceanic & Atmospheric, National Marine Fisheries Service, and the Responsible Offshore Development Alliance3/25/201910 years3/25/2029National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's, National Marine Fisheries Service, And The Responsible Offshore Development Alliance
BOEMMOUVineyard Wind LLC - ERM West Inc2/13/20183 years2/13/2021National Marine Fisheries Service, 
BOEMMOUBSEE & Others Offshore Aquaculture2/6/20175 years2/6/2022MOU BSEE and Offshore Aquaculture
BOEMMOUState of California12/12/20165 years12/12/2021MOU DOI-State of California Renewable Energy
BOEMMOAU.S. Army Corps of Engineers12/1/20165 years12/1/2021USACE Barrier Restoration-To provide for the use of up to 19,600,000 cubic yards of OCS sand for barrier island restoration, Gulf Islands National Seashore
BOEMMOUSoutheast Natural Resource Leadership Group (SENRLG)7/28/20165 years7/28/2021To further the common commitment of parties such as the NPS, USFWS, USGS, BOEM, other federal agencies & the Tennessee Valley Authority in the southeast region of the U.S to share information and cooperate in ways that support their respective missions, mandates, programs, and resource management responsibilities.
BOEMMOUAlaska BOEM SOA8/30/20193 years8/30/2022MOU Alaska BOEM SOA
BOEMMOAAKCMI-University of Alaska2/8/20195 years12/31/2024MOA AKCMI - University of Alaska
BOEMMOUU.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Galveston District, and Texas General Land Office (GLO) 7/13/20205 years7/13/2025The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Galveston District, and Texas General Land Office (GLO) have entered into a memorandum of understanding to address coastal restoration in Texas. This effort is intended to streamline and synchronize Gulf of Mexico sediment resource identification for Texas coastal protection and restoration projects and plans.