- Secretary Jewell Announces Oil and Gas Lease Sales Garner $872 Million in High Bids Covering 1.7 million acres in Gulf of Mexico (March 18, 2014)
- Secretary Jewell to Announce Results of 40 Million Acre Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sales (March 18, 2014)
- Obama Administration to Offer 40 Million Acres in the Gulf of Mexico for Oil and Gas Development (February 13, 2014)
- BOEM Proposes Eastern Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale (December 3, 2013)
- BOEM Completes Environmental Review for Proposed Oil and Gas Sales in Eastern Gulf of Mexico (October 21, 2013)
- BOEM Completes Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Eastern Planning Area Lease Sales (March 1, 2013)