This sale was held on March 15, 2000. The sale was broadcast on Radio Stations: KNON (89.3 FM) in Dallas, KTSU (90.9 FM) in Houston, KRVS (88.7 FM) in Lafayette, WTUL (91.5 FM) in New Orleans, compliments of the Offshore Oil Scouts Association.
NOTE: The Final Notice of Sale for Sale 175 was published in the Federal Register on February 14, 2000, at 65 FR 7394. The Sale Notice Package of supporting documents and maps was made available that day.

- Final Notice of Sale Package (released February 14, 2000)
- News Releases and Fact Sheets
- Preliminary Sale Statistics (released March 14, 2000)
- Lease Sale Map - Bid Distribution (released March 15, 2000)
- Blocks Receiving Bids (released March 15, 2000)
- Notification of EFT 1/5 Bonus Liability (released March 15, 2000)
- Sale Statistics (released March 15, 2000)
- Bid Evaluation Results (completed June 12, 2000)
- Final Phase I Decision Matrix
- Final Phase I Acceptances
- Interim Phase II Decision Report (as of June 6, 2000)
- Final Phase II Decision Matrix (as of June 12, 2000)
- Final Bid Recap (released June 22, 2000)
- Final Sale Statistics by Bid System (released June 22, 2000)