Day 1: Tuesday, March 7

8:00-8:30 am


8:30-9:15 am

I. Background and Welcome


  • Welcome and Opening Remarks
    • Introductions

Walter Cruickshank, Ph.D., BOEM Acting Director
Abby Arnold, Kearns & West (K&W)

Tamara Arzt, BOEM

Kyle Baker, BOEM


9:15-10:35 am


II. Perspectives on Protected Species and
Offshore Wind Development


9:15-9:30 am

(presentation followed by Panel Q&A)

    • Lease area locations
    • Lease and plan review stages
    • Survey instruments for lessees
    • NEPA
    • Role of BMPs in these processes

Michelle Morin, BOEM

9:30-9:45 am

Rachel Pachter, Vineyard Wind
Presenting for the American Wind Energy Association

9:45-10:00 am

Catherine Bowes, NWF, Michael Jasny, NRDC, and Howard Rosenbaum, Wildlife Conservation Society

10:00-10:15 am

 Jason Roberts, Duke University

10:15-10:35 am

  • NMFS Endangered Species Act Consultations (presentation followed by Panel Q&A)
    • NMFS ESA requirements and timelines
    • Incidental Take Statement requirements
    • Existing/future consultations pertaining to Construction and Operations Plans and General Activities Plans

Julie Crocker, NOAA Fisheries

10:35-10:45 am


10:45-11:05 am

II. Perspectives on Protected Species and Offshore Wind Development (continued)

10:45-11:05 am

NOAA Fisheries Leadership
Jordan Carduner, NOAA Fisheries

11:05-12:30 pm

III. Identifying Effects to Protected Species


11:05-11:10 am
11:10-11:20 am

Kyle Baker, BOEM
Allison Hernandez, NOAA Fisheries



11:20-11:35 am

Aileen Kenney, Deepwater Wind

11:35-12:30 pm

IV. Lessons Learned from Offshore Wind in the UK – a conservation agency perspective

(presentation followed by Panel Q&A)

  • Mitigation and monitoring strategies in the UK
  • Lessons learned
  • Panel Discussion

Sónia Mendes,
Joint Nature Conservation Committee

12:30-1:30 pm

Break for Lunch

1:30-2:15 pm

V. Introduction to an Effects Framework
(presentation followed by Panel Q&A)

  • Introduction to Effects Matrix
  • What are activities and effects to marine mammals, sea turtles, and habitat (e.g., injury, avoidance, duration of impact)?
  • Can we assign a relative priority level for each impact? (What are the criteria we use to set priorities?)

Facilitated by K&W

2:15-3:45 pm

VI. Mitigation and Monitoring of Underwater Noise


2:15-2:30 pm

Desray Reeb, BOEM

Facilitated by K&W

2:30-3:00 pm

Amy Scholik-Schlomer, NOAA Fisheries

3:00-3:20 pm

3:20-3:45 pm


Desray Reeb, BOEM

Stanley Labak, BOEM

Desray Reeb, BOEM

3:45-4:00 pm

VII. Participant Comment on all meeting topics
(participants should register in advance if they wish to comment)

Facilitated by K&W

4:00-4:15 pm


Networking Break


4:15-5:15 pm

VIII. Panel Discussion on HRG Surveys and Best Management Practices


Facilitated by K&W


Wrap up and Adjourn

Facilitated by K&W