Eastern Gulf Planning Area Lease Sale 224 Information

Eastern Gulf Lease Sale 224 was held at the Louisiana Superdome on March 19, 2008. This sale was mandated by the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act, signed by the President in December 2006. This sale included a small part of the Eastern Gulf Planning Area, more than 125 miles off the Florida coast and completely west of the Military Mission Line.

Important Sale 224 Dates:

Photo of a platform

News Releases

Fact Sheet: Minerals Management Service and the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006

Final Notice of Sale Package (released February 13, 2008)

Instructions for Making EFT Bonus Payments (updated November 18, 2008)

Preliminary Sale Statistics (released March 18, 2008)

Lease Sale Map - Bid Distribution (released March 19, 2008)

Blocks Receiving Bids (released March 19, 2008)

Notification of EFT 1/5 Bonus Liability (released March 19, 2008)

Sale Statistics (released March 19, 2008)

Bid Evaluation Results

Final Bid Recap (released May 22, 2008)