Chukchi Sea Oil And Gas Lease Sale 193



Apr 6BOEM publishes in the Federal Register a Notice of Availability for the March 31, 2015 Record of Decision affirming Lease Sale 193.
Mar 31The Department of the Interior issues a Record of Decision affirming Chukchi Sea OCS Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193 and the remaining oil and gas leases issued in 2008 as a result of the sale. Press release
Feb 12

BOEM's Alaska OCS Region publishes Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193. A Notice of Availability by BOEM and the EPA will be published in the Federal Register on Feb. 20, 2015. The Federal Register notice will begin a 30-day waiting period mandated by 40 CFR §1506, during which the Department of the Interior may make no decision on the matter. Following this period, the Secretary of the Interior may issue of Record of Decision which upholds the lease sale, vacates the lease sale, or upholds the lease sale with modifications (for example, reaffirming some of the lease area). Final SEIS Vol 1 | Vol 2 | Press release | Fact Sheet Regarding Oil-Spill Analysis

NOTE: This is the second Final SEIS to be completed in support of Lease Sale 193; the first was completed Aug. 18, 2011 (see below).


Dec 22Lease Sale 193 Draft SEIS public comment period closes.
Dec 04Combined transcript of the public hearings held from Nov. 17, 2014 to Dec. 4, 2014, relating to the draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Lease Sale 193.
Nov 07

The Notice of Availability for the Chukchi Sea Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193 draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement appears in the Federal Register. This initiates a 45-day comment period ending at 8 p.m. Alaska Time (midnight Eastern Time) on Monday, Dec. 22.

TO COMMENT ON THE DRAFT SEIS: Go to one of the meetings below, or submit your comment via (deadline Monday, Dec. 22).

SCHEDULE FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS (all hearings scheduled for 7 p.m. Alaska time)

  • Nov. 17: KOTZEBUE -- NWAB Assembly Chambers
  • Nov. 18: POINT HOPE -- Qalgi Center
  • Nov. 19: POINT LAY -- [Canceled due to scheduling conflict]
  • Nov. 20: WAINWRIGHT -- R. James Community Center
  • Dec. 01: ANCHORAGE -- Crowne Plaza Hotel, 109 W International Airport Rd. (Note change of venue! This hearing was originally scheduled to be held at the Loussac Library)
  • Dec. 03: BARROW -- Ilisagvik College
  • Dec. 04: FAIRBANKS -- Westmark Hotel
Oct 31

In response to a federal court order, BOEM releases the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for Chukchi Sea Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193.

  • Volume 1
  • Volume 2
  • Press Release - BOEM Releases Revised Analysis for Chukchi Sea Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193 - BOEM will hold 7 public hearings, accept public comments Nov. 7 - Dec. 22
  • Preview copy of the Notice of Availability (NOA) for the Lease Sale 193 Draft SEIS. [This NOA will be published in the Federal Register on Friday, Nov. 7. The publication in the Federal Register will initiate a 45-day public comment period running from Friday, Nov. 7 to Monday, Dec. 22. During that time, comments on the draft Supplemental EIS will be accepted through]
Jun 20The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management today published in the Federal Register a Notice of Intent to Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS). The SEIS will address issues raised by the federal courts in their remand of Chukchi Sea OCS Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193 back to BOEM for further analysis.
Apr 24United States District Court for the District of Alaska order in light of remand.
Jan 22United States Court of Appeal for the Ninth Circuit reversal and remand.


Aug 18Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (OCS EIS/EA BOEMRE 2011-041). BOEM (then known as BOEMRE) releases a Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (Final SEIS) for Chukchi Sea Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193. The Final SEIS provides additional environmental analysis that supplements the review originally completed as part of the planning for Lease Sale 193. Specifically, the Final SEIS addresses concerns raised by the U.S. District Court for the District of Alaska in its July 21, 2010, decision remanding Lease Sale 193 back to the agency, incorporates additional public comment, and includes a new analysis of the environmental impacts of a hypothetical Very Large Oil Spill (VLOS) scenario. Volume 1 | Volume 2


Jul 21United States District Court for the District of Alaska order remanding to agency.

Sale Documents

Final Notice of Sale for Chukchi Sea Sale 193 held on February 6, 2008 in Anchorage, Alaska.
The Final Notice of Sale package consists of the following:

2007 Environmental Impact Statement

Note that this document has been supplemented with the publication of two separate Supplemental Environmental Impact Statements. See the entries, above, for Aug. 18, 2011 and Feb. 12, 2015.