Guidance Portal

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has established this guidance portal in compliance with Executive Order 13891 of October 9, 2019, entitled Promoting the Rule of Law Through Improved Agency Guidance Documents. By February 28, 2020, all BOEM guidance documents remaining in effect may be found on this portal. Guidance documents lack the force and effect of law, unless expressly authorized by statute or incorporated into a contract. BOEM may not cite, use, or rely on any guidance that is not posted on this website, except to establish historical facts.

If you have questions or comments regarding any of BOEM's guidance documents -- including requests to withdraw or modify specific guidance, please email

Archived information can also be found at Archived Guidance and Archived Notices To Lessees And Operators.

Document NameOriginal Issue DateDate added to this portalBOEM Unique IdentifierTopicContent/Summary

Expanded Rice’s Whale Protection Efforts During Reinitiated Consultation with NMFS

Expanded Rice’s Whale Protection Efforts During Reinitiated Consultation with NMFS BOEM NTL No. 2023-G01 - Fact Sheet

08-17-202308-21-2023BOEM NTL No 2023-G01Expanded Rice’s Whale Protection Efforts
During Reinitiated Consultation with NMFS
This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) was developed to provide recommendations and guidance for lessees and operators regarding suggested measures to expand protections for the Rice’s whale, during the period when the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) are engaged in reinitiated consultation with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) on the 2020 Biological Opinion, as amended (2020 BiOp).  
2023 OCS Emissions Inventory Western and Central Gulf of Mexico and Adjacent to the North Slope Borough of the State of Alaska10-01-202209-20-2022BOEM NTL No 2022-N012023 OCS Emissions InventoryBOEM is issuing this NTL to instruct lessees and operators about the activity information and related emissions source data they should collect and submit for use in the 2023 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Emissions Inventory.
Shallow Hazards Survey and Evaluation for OCS Exploration and Development Drilling (Alaska OCS)10-01-202209-09-2022BOEM NTL No. 2022-A01Shallow Hazards SurveysThis NTL provides guidance for shallow hazards geophysical surveys, evaluations and reporting procedures for the BOEM Alaska Regional Office.
Shallow Hazards Program (Gulf of Mexico OCS)10-01-202209-09-2022BOEM NTL No. 2022-G01Gulf of Mexico shallow hazards programThis NTL notifies lessees, operators and pipeline ROW holders of the GOM shallow hazards program and describes the surveys, reports, analyses, and mitigations needed to minimize risk to human life and the environment.
BOEM’s Approved Air Quality Models



BOEM NTL No. 2020-N02

BOEM’s Approved Air Quality Models

This NTL informs lessees and operators of the approved air quality models that should be used for air quality assessment in the areas that BOEM regulates on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
2021 OCS Emissions Inventory - Western Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and Adjacent to the North Slope Borough of the State of Alaska



NTL No. 2020-N03

2021 OCS Emissions Inventory This NTL instructs lessees and operators about the emissions source data and reports they should submit for use by BOEM in preparing the 2021 OCS Emissions Inventory.   
Air Quality Information Requirements for Exploration Plans, Development Operations Coordination Documents, and Development and Production Plans in the GOM Region 



NTL No.  2020-G01

Air Quality Information Requirements for Exploration Plans, Development Operations Coordination Documents, and Development and Production Plans This NTL provides guidance to facilitate lessees’ and operators’ submittal of necessary emissions information to facilitate BOEM’s timely review of Exploration Plans, Development Operations Coordination Documents and Development and Production Plans in the GOM Region. 
Air Dispersion Modeling Information for Exploration Plans, Development Operations Coordination Documents, and Development and Production Plans 



NTL No.  2020-G02

Air Dispersion Modeling Information for Exploration Plans, Development Operations Coordination Documents, and Development and Production PlansThis NTL describes how to conduct dispersion modeling in the areas of the GOM where BOEM has air quality jurisdiction.
Reporting of Air Emissions in Exploration Plans and Development and Production Plans – Alaska OCS 



NTL No. 2020-A01

Reporting of Air Emissions in Exploration Plans and Development and Production Plans This NTL provides guidance for lessees and operators on submittal of necessary emissions information to facilitate BOEM’s timely review of Exploration Plans and Development and Production Plans in the Alaska Region. 

Air Dispersion Modeling Information for Exploration Plans and Development and Production Plans – Alaska OCS




NTL No. 2020-A02

Air Dispersion Modeling Information for Exploration Plans and Development and Production PlansThis NTL provides air dispersion modeling guidance applicable to lessees’ and operators’ activities on areas of the Alaska OCS where BOEM has air quality jurisdiction.  
Procedure for Change of Existing and New Operator Oil and Gas Program07-05-201702-28-2020 Procedure for Change of Existing/New Operator for the Oil and Gas program in the Pacific OCS.Guidance on Change of Existing/New Operator of Leases in the Pacific OCS Region. Updated July 5, 2017.
Implementation of Seismic Survey Mitigation Measures and Protected Species Observer Program09-30-201606-19-2020NTL-2016-G02Seismic Surveys and Protected Species ObserversThis NTL clarifies that after March 13, 2020, the mitigation measures included in Appendix A of the National Marine Fisheries Service’s 2020 Biological Opinion will be applied in place of this NTL.
Vessel Strike Avoidance and Injured/Dead Protected Species Reporting08-30-201606-19-2020NTL-2016-G01Vessel strike mitigation measures to reduce impacts on ESA-listed speciesThis NTL clarifies that after March 13, 2020, the mitigation measures included in Appendix C of the National Marine Fisheries Service’s 2020 Biological Opinion will be applied in place of this NTL.
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Investigations of Unidentified Magnetic Anomalies and/or Side-Scan Sonar Targets: Methodological Guidelines10-01-201502-28-2020 Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Investigations of Unidentified Magnetic Anomalies and/or Side-Scan Sonar Targets: Methodological GuidelinesThese guidelines are used for determining National Register eligibility of potential resources in deep water.
Procedures and Requirements for Right-of-Use and Easement Requests for Platforms, Artificial Islands, Installations and Other Devices Attached to the Seabed09-08-201502-28-2020NTL-2015-N06Procedures and Requirements for Right-of-Use and Easement (RUE) RequestsThis NTL clarifies policy on requirements for RUE construct and maintain platforms, artificial islands, installations and other devices permanently or temporarily attached to the seabed.
General Financial Assurance08-17-201502-28-2020NTL-2015-N04General bond (financial assurance) requirementsThis NTL clarifies BOEM’s implementation of the requirements for general financial assurance applicable to oil and gas, and sulphur leases, pipeline rights-of-way (ROW) and right-of-use-and-easement (RUE) grants and a specific type of permit issued by BOEM.
Limitations on Credit Card Collection Transactions and Policy for Splitting Transactions07-22-201502-28-2020NTL-2015-N03Maximum dollar amount allowed for a credit card transaction and policy on splitting transactionsMaximum dollar amount allowed for a credit card transaction and policy on splitting transactions
Elimination of Expiration Dates on Certain Notices to Lessees and Operators Pending Review and Reissuance02-06-201502-28-2020NTL-2015-N02Elimination of expiration dates on NTLsThis NTL eliminates expiration dates of NTLS posted on the BOEM website as of February 6, 2015.
Information Requirements for Exploration Plans, Development and Production Plans, and Development Operations Coordination Documents on the OCS for Worst Case Discharge and Blowout Scenarios01-14-201502-28-2020NTL-2015-N01Information Requirements for EPs, DOCDs and DPPs.This NTL provides that EPs, DOCDs and DPPs that include a drilling activity must include a blowout scenario. All plans must include information on potential oil spills and calculations of the worst case discharge scenario.
Frequently Asked Questions Information Sheet for Information Requirements for Exploration Plans, Development and Production Plans, and Development Operations Coordination Documents on the OCS for Worst Case Discharge and Blowout Scenarios01-14-201502-28-2020NTL-2015-N01 FAQFrequently Asked Questions on NTL-2015-N01This FAQ guidance document contains frequently asked questions and answers concerning NTL No. 2015-N01.
Designation of Operator of an OCS Oil and Gas or Sulphur Lease11-20-201306-19-2020NTL-2014-G02Designation of Operator (DOO) for an OCS oil and gas or sulphur lease.This NTL provides guidance on how and when to create or change a DOO that involves record title or operating rights to a lease, or an individual well or multiple wells.
Bottomhole Pressure Surveys05-01-201306-22-2020NTL-2013-P01Bottomhole Pressure (BHP) Surveys in the Pacific OCS Region.This NTL provides guidance on BHP surveys in the Pacific OCS Region.
Well Producibility Determinations03-01-201306-19-2020NTL-2013-G01Requests for well producibility determinationsThis NTL provides guidance on how to request a well producibility determination for wells drilled in the Gulf of Mexico OCS.
Electronic Submittal of Company, Qualification, Financial Assurance, and Bonding Information and Documents06-06-201202-28-2020NTL-2012-N01Electronic submittal of documentsThis NTL establishes procedures for electronic submittals and waiver of requirement for corporate seal for documents submitted electronically.
Guidance for Compliance with Mitigation 3.20 Avoidance of Archaeological Resources Rescinded on October 3, 202409-16-201202-28-2020Standard Mitigation 3.20Guidelines for complying with a condition of approvalAllows operator’s plan to be approved before survey is submitted to document absence of archaeological resources
Biologically-Sensitive Underwater Features and Areas01-27-201002-28-2020NTL-2009-G39Shallow water (<300 m) biologically sensitive habitat featuresThis NTL provides operators with clarification regarding topographic feature and Pinnacle Trend lease stipulations, and implementation of mitigation measures around other shallow water hard bottom features.
Deepwater Benthic Communities01-27-201002-28-2020NTL-2009-G40Deepwater (>300 m) Benthic CommunitiesThis NTL provides operators clarification on the type of information needed to review for deepwater benthic habitats and communities and implementation of mitigation measures.
Change of Ownership/Operatorship of Leases and Pipelines12-18-200902-28-2020NTL-2009-P06Changes of ownership/operatorship of leases and pipelines in the Pacific OCS Region.This NTL provides guidance on changes of ownership/operatorship of leases and pipelines in the Pacific OCS Region
Air Quality Jurisdiction on the OCS12-04-200906-19-2020NTL-2009-N11Division of air quality jurisdiction on the OCS between BOEM and EPA.This NTL clarifies that BOEM regulates air quality for facilities on the OCS in the area of the Gulf of Mexico west of 87°30'W longitude and in the area offshore of the North Slope Borough of Alaska.
Ancillary Activities12-01-200906-19-2020NTL- 2009-G34Ancillary activities in the Gulf of Mexico OCSThis NTL provides guidance on conducting ancillary activities, including notifications and what activities will require an OCS plan.
Appeals11-20-200902-28-2020NTL-2009-N12Appeals of BOEM decisions or orders.This NTL clarifies the procedures to use to appeal any decision or order issued by BOEM.
MMS Policy on Refund Requests for Service Fees11-01-200902-28-2020NTL-2009-N09Requests for refunds of service fees.This NTL clarifies BOEM policy and provides instructions on refund requests for service fees.
U. S. Air Force Communication Towers09-09-200906-23-2020NTL-2009-G26U.S. Air Force Communications Towers in the Gulf of Mexico OCS.This NTL provides the X and Y coordinates for Air Force communication towers located in the Gulf of Mexico OCS and guidance concerning operational restrictions near the towers.
Submitting Exploration Plans and Development Operations Coordination Documents09-09-200902-28-2020NTL-2009-G27Revising Exploration Plans (EPs) and Development Operations Coordination Documents (DOCDs)This NTL clarifies the policy for revising EPs and DOCDs in the Gulf of Mexico.
Significant OCS Sediment Resources in the Gulf of Mexico01-27-200902-28-2020NTL-2009-G04Avoidance and protection of significant OCS sediment resourcesThis NTL provides guidance for the avoidance and protection of significant OCS sediment resources essential to coastal restoration initiatives in the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.
Guidelines for Oil Spill Financial Responsibility (OSFR) for Covered Facilities08-26-200802-28-2020NTL-2008-N05Oil Spill Financial Responsibility (OSFR)This NTL provides policies and procedures for submitting OSFR documents for covered facilities.
Information Requirements for Exploration Plans and Development Operations Coordination Documents05-01-200802-28-2020NTL-2008-G04Information requirements for Exploration Plans (EPs) and Development Operations Coordination Documents (DOCDs)This NTL provides additional guidance on the information included in submitted plans to meet the requirements to comply with BOEM regulations. The NTL also helps provide guidance on information necessary for BOEM to ensure activities comply with the Endangered Species Act.
Water Quality Spreadsheets (2 spreadsheets)08-22-201902-28-2020 Assist with preparation of Plans that follow NTL 2008-G04These two spreadsheets may be used to replace the six tables requested in NTL-2008-G04.
Archaeological Survey and Report Requirements 
Rescinded on October 3, 2024
10-16-200602-28-2020NTL-2006-P03Archaeological survey and report requirements for the Pacific OCS RegionThis NTL provides guidance on archaeological surveys and report requirements for the Pacific OCS Region.
Biological Survey and Report Requirements10-16-200602-28-2020NTL-2006-P02Biological survey and report requirements for the Pacific OCS RegionThis NTL provides guidance on biological surveys and report requirements for the Pacific OCS Region.
Shallow Hazards Survey and Evaluation for Alaska Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Pipeline Routes and Rights-of-Way07-25-200502-28-2020NTL-2005-A02Shallow hazards surveys and evaluations in the Alaska OCS Region.This NTL provides guidance for conducting pipeline ROW shallow hazards geophysical evaluations, surveys and reporting in the Alaska OCS Region.
Diver Evaluation of Unidentified Magnetic Anomalies and/or Side-Scan Sonar Targets: Search and Methodological Requirements08-18-200002-28-2020 Guidelines for complying with a condition of approval if operator is unable to avoid a potential archaeological resourceThese guidelines are used for determining National Register eligibility of potential resources in shallow water.
Archaeological Resource Reports and Surveys 
Rescinded on October 3, 2024
07-01-200506-25-2020NTL-2005-G07Archaeological resource reports and archaeological surveys in the Gulf of Mexico OCS.This NTL clarifies when BOEM may require an archaeological resource report and provides recommendations on how to prepare such a report and conduct archaeological surveys.
Archaeological Survey and Evaluation for Exploration and Development Activities 
Rescinded on October 3, 2024
07-25-200506-24-2020NTL-2005-A03Archaeological resource reports and archaeological surveys in the Alaska OCS.This NTL clarifies when BOEM may require an archaeological resource report and provides recommendations on how to prepare such a report and conduct archaeological surveys.

Document NameOriginal Issue DateDate added to this portalBOEM Unique IdentifierTopicContent/Summary
Gulf of Mexico Environmental Consultations 05-16-2023 Section 106 requires that a Federal agency consider the effects of its actions on properties eligible for listing to the National Register of Historic Places.  Section 110 requires a Federal agency to document and interpret archaeological resources that may be affected by its actions.BOEM fulfills its Section 106 responsibilities by requiring operators to conduct pre-disturbance remote sensing surveys and avoid areas that are indicative of historic or prehistoric archaeological properties.
Managing Multiple Uses in the Gulf of Mexico 02-28-2020 Gulf of Mexico Lease Blocks with Significant Sediment ResourcesGulf of Mexico Lease Blocks with Significant Sediment Resources to reference when submitting Exploration and Development Plan
Model Decommissioning Trust Agreement 02-28-2020 Model Decommissioning Trust AgreementModel Decommissioning Trust Agreement

Document NameOriginal Issue DateDate added to this portalBOEM Unique IdentifierTopicContent/Summary
Guidelines for Providing Geophysical, Geotechnical, and Geohazard Information Pursuant to 30 CFR Part 58512-28-202301-02-2024 Recommendations for geophysical, geotechnical and geohazard dataThese guidelines contain recommendations for acquiring geophysical, geotechnical and geohazard information needed for BOEM's technical review.
Guidelines for Submission of Geospatial Data for Offshore Renewable Energy Development09-27-202309-28-2023JOINT NTL No. 2023-N03Spatial DataThe joint BOEM-BSEE NTL provides information and guidance for all submissions of geospatial data, maps, and diagrams for renewable energy activities occurring on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). It is intended to standardize guidelines regarding visual and digital data submission formats, and also meant to expand the guidance to areas other than the Atlantic region.
Guidance on Information Needed for Issuance of a Notice of Intent (NOI) Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for a Construction and Operations Plan (“NOI Checklist”)08-03-202308-03-2023 Guidelines and Instructions for COP submissionsThis guidance, known as the “NOI Checklist,” revises the current recommended process for COP submissions to: 1) provide clarity to lessees; 2) establish a pre-application and pre-NOI process with lessees and cooperating agencies that will benefit all stakeholders; 3) improve the efficiency of proposed offshore wind project reviews by avoiding delays to the NEPA analysis after the NOI has been published. The revised process identifies the threshold requirements for information that should be included in a COP submission before BOEM will formally initiate the EIS through publication of an NOI.
BOEM Nationwide Recommendations for Impact Pile Driving Sound Exposure Modeling and Sound Field Measurement for Offshore Wind Construction and Operations Plans (“Marine Acoustic Modeling and Measurement Guidelines”) 08-03-202308-03-2023 Guidelines and Instructions for COP submissionsThis document comprises two sections. The first section aims to provide general recommendations to lessees as they develop the acoustic and exposure models of impact pile driving to be included with their COP submittals prior to issuance of a Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement. The second section provides recommendations for SFV measurements to verify anticipated sound fields after COP approval.
Draft Guidelines and Instructions for Progress Report Required by BOEM New York Bight Leases (OCS-A 0537-0544) and Carolina Long Bay Leases (OCS-A 0545-0546)04-10-202304-10-2023 
Guidelines and Instructions for Progress Report Development
This guidance provides considerations for lessees of the New York Bight Leases (OCS-A 0537– 0544) and Carolina Long Bay Leases (OCS-A 0545–0546) (Lessees) when satisfying the progress reporting lease stipulation that the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has recently included in offshore renewables leases issued under Section 8(p) of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lands Act.
Guidelines for Providing Information on Fisheries for Renewable Energy Development on the Atlantic OCS03-27-202303-27-2023 Fisheries SurveysThese guidelines contain recommendations for obtaining baseline information on key fishery species and habitat within a survey area.
Draft Guidelines and Instructions for Native American Tribes Communications Plan Development Required by BOEM New York Bight Leases (OCS-A 0537–0544) and Carolina Long Bay Leases (OCS-A 0545–0546)02-06-202302-10-2023 Guidelines and Instructions for Native American Tribes Communications Plan DevelopmentThis guidance provides considerations for lessees of the New York Bight Leases (OCS-A 0537– 0544) and Carolina Long Bay Leases (OCS-A 0545–0546) (Lessees) when satisfying the Native American Tribal Communications Plan (NATCP) lease stipulation that the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has recently included in offshore renewables leases issued under Section 8(p) of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lands Act.
Reorganization of Title 30—Renewable Energy and Alternate Uses of Existing Facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf into 30 CFR Parts 285, 585, and 58601-17-2023 JOINT NTL No. 2023-N01Reorganization of the Outer Continental Shelf renewable energy regulations between BOEM and BSEEThis NTL provides information and guidance regarding the reorganization of the Outer Continental Shelf renewable energy regulations between BOEM and BSEE. That reorganization was announced in the final rule entitled “Reorganization of Title 30—Renewable Energy and Alternate Uses of Existing Facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf,” which was published in the Federal Register on January 31, 2023, (88 FR 6376).
Guidelines for Lighting and Marking of Structures Supporting Renewable Energy Development04-28-202104-28-2021 Guidelines for Lighting and Marking of Structures Supporting Renewable Energy DevelopmentBOEM has posted its final guidelines for lighting and marking of structures supporting offshore wind energy projects. These guidelines promote safe navigation in the air and on the sea and mitigate harm to life, natural resources, and the environment.
BOEM / FERC Guidelines on Regulation of Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Projects on the OCS05-27-202006-05-2020 Marine and Hydrokinetic energy (MHK) projects.These guidelines provide information on the process of obtaining an MHK lease and license for projects on the OCS. BOEM has jurisdiction to issue leases while FERC has jurisdiction to issue licenses for the same projects.
Filing Applications for Renewable Energy Leases, Grants, and Alternate Use Grants on the Outer Continental Shelf05-27-202006-05-2020NTLA-No-REN-N03Filing addresses for applications.This NTL updates the areas covered and the office address of each BOEM Regional Office where applicants should file for renewable energy leases and grants and alternate use grants on the U.S. OCS.
Guidelines for Activities Requiring Authorization for Renewable Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf05-27-202006-05-2020 Renewable energy activities requiring authorizationThese guidelines explain what activities relating to the development of wind, wave and ocean current resources require a lease, easement or right-of-way issued by BOEM.
Guidelines for Providing Archaeological and Historic Property Information05-27-202006-05-2020 Archaeological Properties IdentificationThese guidelines contain recommendations on effective methods for identifying historic properties.
Guidelines for Providing Avian Survey Information for Renewable Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf05-27-202006-05-2020 Avian SurveysThese guidelines contain recommendations for complying with avian information requirements.
Guidelines for Providing Geophysical, Geotechnical, and Geohazard Information05-27-202006-05-2020 Geological and geophysical, geotechnical and geohazard information.These guidelines contain recommendations for acquiring geophysical, geotechnical and geohazard information.
Guidelines for Providing Information on Fisheries Social and Economic Conditions for Renewable Energy Development on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf05-27-202006-05-2020 Information on Fisheries Social and Economic ConditionsThese guidelines contain recommendations for complying with information requirements enabling full consideration of the social and economic impact to fishery stakeholders.
Information Guidelines for a Renewable Energy Construction and Operations Plan (COP)05-27-202006-05-2020 Construction Operation Plan (COP)These guidelines contain recommended information to submit for a COP describing proposed activities and planned facilities to be constructed and used for projects under commercial leases.
Qualification Guidelines to Acquire and Hold Renewable Energy Leases and Grants and Alternate Use Grants on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf05-27-202006-05-2020 QualificationsThese guidelines contain recommendations to qualify for and hold renewable energy leases and grants and alternate use grants on the OCS, and list the documentation lessees and grantees are to submit to BOEM for a qualification determination.
Department of the Interior Policy Statement on Regulating Workplace Safety and Health Conditions on Renewable Energy Facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf10-18-201911-05-2019 Department of the Interior Policy
Statement on Regulating Workplace
Safety and Health Conditions on
Renewable Energy Facilities on the
Outer Continental Shelf
Department of the Interior Policy
Statement on Regulating Workplace
Safety and Health Conditions on
Renewable Energy Facilities on the
Outer Continental Shelf
Guidelines for Providing Information on Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles for Renewable Energy Development on the Atlantic OCS06-19-201902-28-2020 Marine Mammal SurveysThese guidelines contain recommendations for acquiring information characterizing marine mammal and sea turtle distribution and abundance.
Guidelines for Information Requirements for a Renewable Energy SAP06-19-201902-28-2020 Site Assessment Plan (SAP)These guidelines contain information requirements for an SAP for OCS renewable energy activities on commercial leases.
Guidelines for Providing Benthic Habitat Survey Information for Renewable Energy Development on the Atlantic OCS06-19-201902-28-2020 Benthic Habitat SurveysThese guidelines contain recommendations for acquiring information to characterize benthic habitats within a survey area affected by proposed operations.
Draft Design Envelope Guidelines01-12-201802-28-2020 Design EnvelopeThese guidelines contain recommendations for lessees opting for a PDE permitting approach in their COP.