An Environmental Assessment (EA) shall contain, at a minimum, the sections prescribed by National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations (40 CFR 1508.9) and the Departmental Manual (516 DM 3.4). Whenever possible, an EA shall tier upon other NEPA documents and incorporate by reference discussions from NEPA documents, information provided by the lessee, technical papers, and other documents available to the public
Although other formats may be used, all EAs must contain the following information:
- Title Page
- Agency name (BOEMRE Region)
- Document type (EA)
- Activity type (e.g. Exploration Plan) 30 CFR 280.
- Location (e.g. De Soto Canyon, Block 467)
- Document date
- Lessee/Operator name and lease number, or lease sale number
- Description and Need for the Proposal *
- For appropriate actions, the description may reference the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) plan or permit application
- Alternatives *
- Alternatives proposed by the lessee/operator/applicant
- Alternatives that consider other uses of those resources that involve unresolved conflict (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(E))
- Other alternatives or mitigation not part of the proposal that would minimize environmental effect Alternatives should be discussed in a comparative manner. For example, if an alternative proposes adding operating conditions, discuss the rationale for imposing those conditions and assess the changes in effects that would result if those conditions were implemented.
- Environmental Impacts of the Proposal and Alternatives *
Describe the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects on the offshore and onshore environments expected to occur as a result of implementation of the proposal and alternatives to the proposal. Concentrate on those impacts that could be significant (40 CFR 1508.27). The analytical conclusions must clearly identify the "significance" of potential effects. Relevant information regarding environmental consequences obtained through consultation and review by interested parties should also be included in this section - Consultation and Coordination *
List the agencies and persons consulted regarding potential effects associated with the proposal. This section will be used to identify controversial issues and any substantive opposing or conflicting views raised by Federal, State, or local agencies or the public regarding the level of environmental impact of the proposal. For example, if a mitigation measure recommended by a reviewing party is not incorporated into one of the alternatives because it is determined to be unreasonable, the basis for that determination may be outlined in this section. If unresolved conflicts exist between resource management agencies regarding the use of resources that would be affected by the proposal (air, water, land, minerals, etc.), those conflicts should be discussed in this section. - References Cited
(* Note: Required by Council on Environmental Quality regulations (40 CFR 1508.9 (b))
The EAs may also include the following information:
- Table of Contents
- List of Tables and Figures
- Introduction
- List of Preparers
- Appendices
- Reports - archaeological survey, biological survey, shallow hazards survey, etc.
- Pertinent correspondence (for example, agency comments, biological opinions, internal BOEMRE reviews, etc.)
- Oil Spill Risk Analysis