NEPA Activities - Pacific

The Pacific Region conducts environmental analyses and reviews on OCS oil & gas and renewable energy projects. Environmental reviews are conducted in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and projects are inspected, as appropriate, for compliance with the full spectrum of conditions placed upon them.

As a primary component of the Environmental Analysis Program, NEPA environmental reviews are undertaken for all plans, revisions, and significant changes to operations. Federal agencies must comply with numerous environmental laws, regulations, and executive orders to carry out its mission. To achieve this, staff scientists and analysts conduct pre-project environmental reviews and analyses and consult and coordinate with other Federal, state and local agencies on all applicable laws and regulations affecting OCS oil & gas and renewable projects. The development of environmental mitigation measures to minimize project-specific impacts often results from such analyses and consultation.


Renewable Energy Environmental Documents
2024-08-08 Oregon Wind Energy Area FONSI and EA
2022-05-03 Humboldt Wind Energy Area FONSI and EA
2022-10-05 Morro Bay Wind Energy Area FONSI and EA
2021-01-17 PacWave South FERC EA and DOE & BOEM FONSI


Oil & Gas Environmental Documents
2023-12-07 Final Oil & Gas Decommissioning Activities on the POCS PEIS and ROD
2021-08-27 Final ExxonMobil Santa Ynez Anode Sled FONSI and EA
2021-05-25 Final Chevron Santa Clara Conductor Removal FONSI and EA
2020-07-13 Final Freeport-McMoRan Point Arguello Well Conductors Removal FONSI and EA
2016-05-16 Final Well Stimulation Treatment BSEE and BOEM EA and FONSI
2011-09-08 Final DCOR Riser FONSI and EA
2011-09-02 Final Beta Offshore Pipeline FONSI and EA
2009-05-11 Final ExxonMobil Power Cable C1 Repair FONSI and EA
2008-09-15 Final ExxonMobil Power Cable Repair FONSI and EA
1975 FEIS Oil and Gas Development Santa Barbara Channel, Volume 3 of 3
1975 FEIS Oil and Gas Development Santa Barbara Channel, Volume 2 of 3
1975 FEIS Oil and Gas Development Santa Barbara Channel, Volume 2 of 3
1975 FEIS Oil and Gas Development Santa Barbara Channel, Volume 1 of 3