Environmental Studies Program 50th Anniversary

Stewarding the ocean means understanding vast and fragile ecosystems (5 min). Developed with BOEM and Truescape.

Since 1973, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) Environmental Studies Program (ESP) has provided valuable information to predict, assess, and manage impacts from offshore energy and marine mineral exploration, development, and production activities on human, marine, and coastal environments.  

The ESP’s vision is to realize ocean stewardship through science. This approach is essential to BOEM’s mission to manage development of U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) energy, mineral, and geological resources in an environmentally and economically responsible way. The ESP also seeks to align the program with the broader stewardship role the Department of the Interior (DOI) plays in managing the Nation’s public lands—the federal government and ocean users working cooperatively with mutual respect to achieve shared natural resource management goals.  

We invite you to view and explore highlights from BOEM’s celebration of 50 years of research.

ESP50 Program

This series was developed and facilitated by BOEM and Kearns & West.

Video recording of the showcase, December 2023 (1 hr 21 min)

ESP 50th Anniversary Showcase 

Explore BOEM’ research covering a range of topics, including deepwater shipwrecks, corals, ocean acoustics, physical oceanography, submerged cultural resources, long-term monitoring partnerships, and innovative technologies.  

BOEM - Environmental Studies Program 50th Anniversary Virtual Roundtable Series


Browse special ESP 50th anniversary Ocean Science articles and select published study summaries. 

ESP wave Banner
Surf 50 Years of Coastal and Ocean Science
Send in the Drones
Dolphin Hearing Test
Studying Noise Impacts on Cetaceans: We’ve Come a Long Way!
Divers swimming along very healthy live coral cover at East Flower Garden Bank at a depth of about 75 ft. (Photo by Gregory S Boland)
The Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary.
Recovering the ROV after a successful dive.
Boldly Explore Where No One Has Explored Before
scientist working with sea turtles
Environmental Studies Program Celebrates Golden Anniversary

For More Information About the ESP

Contact: Jennifer Ewald, BOEM Environmental Studies Program, Science Communication Outreach Liaison.