Reminder: BOEM Listening Session On Next Round Of Leasing In The Atlantic For Offshore Wind

Release Date

As a reminder, BOEM invites you to attend a listening session to help inform our future efforts relating to the next round of Atlantic offshore wind planning and leasing on April 19, 2017 from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) at: 

The Westin Annapolis Hotel 
100 Westgate Circle 
Annapolis, MD 21401 
Capitol Room A,B,C

During this listening session, BOEM staff will provide an overview of a preliminary framework to help determine where future renewable energy leasing areas may be considered on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf. BOEM will also seek industry input on factors that may influence future offshore wind leasing efforts.

Your feedback is important. BOEM will use these initial discussions to inform future offshore wind leasing in Federal waters. BOEM will make sure that key stakeholders and the public are aware of future opportunities to provide feedback as well.

Note: While this listening session is co-located at the same hotel as the Mid-Atlantic Waterways Conference and the International Offshore Wind Partnering Forum, it is an independent event and free to the public. Space may be limited; therefore, please RSVP to so BOEM staff can plan accordingly. Please note that lunch will not be provided, so please plan accordingly. No food, purchased outside the hotel, is allowed in the room.

Stephen Boutwell
Office of Public Affairs - Renewable Energy 
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Tel: 703-787-1531