Video Archive

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Lease 249 Video

Gulf Lease Sale 249

Sale 249 held on Wednesday, August 16, 2017, in New Orleans, LA, was broadcast live on the internet delivering pertinent information immediately to a much broader national and international audience.


Cook Inlet Lease Sale 244

Lease Sale 244, held on Wednesday, June 21, 2017, in Anchorage, Alaska, was broadcast live on the internet delivering pertinent information immediately to a much broader national and international audience.

Lease 247 Video

Gulf Lease Sale 247

Sale 247 held on Wednesday, March 22, 2017, in New Orleans, LA, was broadcast live on the internet delivering pertinent information immediately to a much broader national and international audience.

Lease 248 T

Western Gulf Lease Sale 248

Sale 248 held on August 24, 2016, in New Orleans, LA, was the first federal offshore oil and gas auction broadcast live on the internet delivering pertinent bid information immediately to a much broader national and international audience.

Maryland Collaborative Archaeological Survey

Maryland Collaborative Archaeological Survey

Archaeologists and scientific divers from the UNC Coastal Studies Institute, BOEM, East Carolina University and NOAA's Monitor National Marine Sanctuary recently completed a cultural resource survey within the wind energy area offshore Maryland.

Earth Day Science Fair 2016

Working with Students to Promote Ocean Science

Students shared their knowledge and creativity with their peers at the BOEM exhibit.

CPA 247 Draft EIS NO Meeting

Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for proposed Central Planning Area Lease Sale 247

The proposed oil and gas lease sale is tentatively scheduled to be held in March 2017 under the current 5-Year Program.


Director Hopper Visits New Jersey

On October 20, 2015, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Director Abigail Hopper traveled to Long Beach Island, New Jersey, to observe progress made since Hurricane Sandy in shore and dune restoration.

Roseate Tern bird

Tracking Endangered Birds

This video provides a glimpse into innovative field work funded by BOEM and administered by the USFWS Northeast Region Migratory Bird program on several shorebird/coastal bird species in the mid-Atlantic region relative to effects of offshore wind energy development.

Atlantic Canyons

Atlantic Canyons: Pathways to the Abyss

Pathways to the Abyss showcases deepwater marine habitats of two mid-Atlantic Canyons located 100 miles offshore Virginia and Maryland. Research findings from the study are significant and depict a biologically rich region that had not been fully explored in the past.

Virginia Collaboration th

Virginia Collaborative Archaeological Survey

Archaeologists and scientific divers from the UNC Coastal Studies Institute, BOEM, East Carolina University and NOAA's Monitor National Marine Sanctuary recently completed a cultural resource survey within the wind energy area proposed off Cape Charles, Virginia.

Arctic Currents: A Year in the Life of the Bowhead Whale

Arctic Currents: A Year in the Life of the Bowhead Whale

This film presents the epic journey of bowhead whales as they make their annual migration across the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. This films draws upon an extensive body of traditional knowledge gathered and sustained by the indigenous whaling peoples.

Langrangian Study

Lagrangian Study of the Deep Circulation in the Gulf of Mexico

Revealing the Gulf of Mexico's Deep Hidden Currents. Since 2011, BOEM has been sponsoring a study of deep circulation in the Gulf of Mexico. Data collection is expected to conclude in spring 2015, followed by a BOEM final report in 2016.

Flower Garden Banks 20132013 Field Season of the Flower Garden Banks Long Term Monitoring Study - The 2013 field season continues the incredible research into the potential impacts from the oil and gas industry on the coral community health at the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary.
Flower Garden Banks 20122012 Field Season of the Flower Garden Banks Long Term Monitoring Study - BOEM’s Gulf of Mexico Region dive team filmed some of the scientific research taking place over 100 miles offshore of Galveston, TX.
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BOEM-Platts Energy Interview

BOEM Deputy Director Walter Cruickshank is interviewed by Platts Energy about a lease sale (i.e., auction) for a Wind Energy Area (WEA) offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

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Lophelia II

Exploration and Research of Northern Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Natural and Artificial Hard Bottom Habitats with Emphasis on Coral Communities - Reefs, Rigs, and Wrecks

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Gulf of Mexico Expedition Discovers Amazing Historic Shipwreck 

BOEM archaeologists working with the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research and other partners* discovered an historic wooden-hulled vessel that sank some 200 years ago.

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Civil War Wreck Mapped in 3D

The only Federal warship sunk at sea in the Gulf of Mexico during the Civil War lies about 20 miles off of the Texas coast, in Federal waters administered by BOEM and BSEE.

Cape Lookout Lighthouse Morning Siemens

Cape Lookout Lighthouse Morning

Cape Lookout Lighthouse Morning Siemens 10nm Animation