ESA consultation documents and associated, required mitigations covering oil and gas activities in the Gulf of America can be found below.
A programmatic consultation for oil and gas activities in the Gulf was conducted between BOEM, BSEE, and NMFS.
- Biological Opinion on the Federally Regulated Oil and Gas Program Activities in the Gulf, as amended. This biological opinion was issued March 13, 2020, under Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act.
- Amended Incidental Take Statement and Revised Appendices to the Programmatic Biological Opinion on the Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Program - Updated April 26, 2021. This Amended Incidental Take Statement and revised appendices A, C, and I supersede and replace those associated with the March 2020 biological opinion. The remainder of the biological opinion remains valid and unchanged.
- Currently required ESA mitigations for oil and gas activities associated with the 2020 BiO, as amended.
A programmatic consultation for oil and gas activities in the Gulf was conducted between BOEM, BSEE and, FWS.
- FWS biological opinion on the effects of BOEM's and BSEE's proposed oil and gas leasing, exploration, development, production, decommissioning, and all related activities in the Gulf Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), issued April 20, 2018.
- FWS response regarding inclusion of eastern black rail, April 26, 2021.