BOEM consults with NMFS on EFH for reasonably foreseeable renewable energy-related activities on the Gulf OCS, such as the issuance of commercial and/or research wind energy lease(s) and granting Rights-of-Use Easement and Rights-of-Way in support of offshore wind energy developments. Links to EFH consultation documents covering offshore wind activities in the Gulf of America and Best Management Practices (BMPs) that provide guidance for complying with NMFS’s Conservation Recommendations can be found below:
- EFH Assessment for Offshore Wind Lease Issuance, Site Characterization, and Site Assessment in the Gulf (2022)
- NMFS SERO letter in response to EFH consultation request for Offshore Wind Lease Issuance, Site Characterization, and Site Assessment in the Gulf (2022)
- Best Management Practices for Fulfilling ESA and EFH Obligations When Conducting Offshore Wind Site Characterization and Site Assessment Activities in the Gulf