Figure 1 AXYSFLiDAR 6M
Figure 1: AXYS FLiDAR 6M Buoy

What's New?

On January 16, 2020, Deepwater Wind New England, LLC. submitted an application to BOEM to assign 13,700 acres of OCS-A 0486 to Deepwater Wind South Fork, LLC. BOEM approved the assignment on March 23, 2020. The lease area assigned to Deepwater Wind South Fork, LLC now carries the new lease number OCS-A 0517. Deepwater Wind South Fork, LLC's lease is subject to all terms and conditions of the original lease, including the lease terms and October 1, 2013 effective date. Please find a copy of the assignment below:

On January 16, 2020, Deepwater Wind New England, LLC. submitted an application to BOEM to assign the remaining 83,798 acres of OCS-A 0486 to DWW Rev I, LLC. BOEM approved the assignment on March 24, 2020. The lease area assigned to DWW Rev I, LLC carries the lease number OCS-A 0486. DWW Rev I, LLC.'s lease is subject to all terms and conditions of the original lease, including the lease terms and October 1, 2013 effective date. Please find a copy of the assignment below:

Lease Number


Project Name


OCS-A 0517

Deepwater Wind South Fork, LLC

South Fork Wind Farm


OCS-A 0486


Revolution Wind Farm



There are two general efforts underway in and around the Rhode Island/Massachusetts Wind Energy Area. For more information about the planning and environmental review process for these efforts, click on the links below.

Environmental Studies

BOEM has funded or considered numerous studies to collect information about the marine environment to support decisions concerning offshore renewable energy development. For more information, please visit: http://www.boem.gov/Rhode-Island-Environmental-Studies/

Task Force Meetings/Public Information Meetings

BOEM coordinates Outer Continental Shelf renewable energy activities offshore Rhode Island with its federal, state, local, and tribal government partners through its Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force. BOEM also coordinates public information meetings to help keep interested stakeholders updated on major renewable energy milestones. To obtain information discussed during these meetings click on the links below.

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