BOEM Oregon Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force

You're Invited: Virtual BOEM Oregon Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force Meeting (May 9, 2024)

On April 30, 2024, the Department of Interior announced proposed auction details and lease terms for two areas offshore the Oregon coast for offshore wind energy development. The proposed lease sale includes two areas offshore the Oregon coast. The proposed Brookings Wind Energy Area consists of 133,792 acres and is located approximately 18 miles from shore. The proposed Coos Bay Wind Energy Area consists of 61,203 acres and is located approximately 32 miles from shore. BOEM is seeking public comments on which, if any, of the two lease areas should be offered in a lease sale this year. These areas have the potential to provide up to 3.1 gigawatts and power over 1.1 million homes with clean energy.

Oregon Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force meeting (May 23, 2024)

BOEM coordinates Outer Continental Shelf renewable energy activities offshore Oregon with its federal, state, local, and Tribal government partners through its Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force.

Task Force Roster
