Recent Fisheries Engagement

A fishing boat on the water at sunset.

Gulf Fisheries Workshops

BOEM hosted four, sector-specific Gulf Fisheries workshops January 19-20, 2022.  Stakeholders were invited to attend the virtual events to share information and discuss issues as BOEM prepares for development of potential wind energy areas and environmental reviews for offshore wind projects in the Gulf of America. 

New York Bight Fisheries Engagement

 - Final Sale Notice Fisheries Meeting

On January 19, 2022, BOEM held a meeting to present on New York Bight Final Sale Notice (FSN). This meeting, focused on the commercial and recreational fishing industries, delivered on the commitment BOEM made following four fisheries meetings in the Summer of 2021 (see Proposed Sale Notice Fisheries Meetings, below) to host another meeting after the publication of the FSN.  BOEM staff provided an overview of the comments received in response to the Proposed Sale Notice, decisions BOEM made in the FSN (including the final lease areas), new lease stipulations designed to address comments and concerns voiced by the fishing industry, and our next steps.  BOEM Director Amanda Lefton offered opening remarks and participated in the Q&A session.

Proposed Sale Notice Fisheries Meetings

On July 20 and 22, 2021, BOEM hosted a series of working meetings regarding the New York Bight Proposed Sale Notice.  Four two-hour meetings were held focusing on primary fisheries that operate in the NY Bight: Scallops, Mixed Trawl, Surf Clams and Recreational.  The materials presented at these meetings are provided below.

Call for Information and Nominations Fisheries Meetings

In September 2018 the BOEM hosted three public meetings in New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts to discuss feedback received from the Call for Information and Nominations (Call) for potential offshore wind energy leasing and development in the New York Bight.  The meeting presentations are found below:

Fishing Industry Memorandum of Understanding

In March 2019 NOAA Fisheries, BOEM, and the Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA) signed a 10-year Memorandum of Understanding that brings local and regional fishing interests together with federal regulators to collaborate on the science and process of offshore wind energy development on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf.

Working together to engage local and regional fishing interests early and often throughout the offshore wind development processes helps develop a collaborative regional research and monitoring program and leads to scientifically sound decisions.