State of Maine Research Lease

Gulf of Maine Leases Highlighted Map
Gulf of Maine Leases Highlighted Map

Maine Research Lease

On August 19, 2024, BOEM announced the execution of the nation’s first floating offshore wind energy research lease. The lease area covers a little less than 15,000 acres located 28 nautical miles offshore Maine on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf and could allow for the deployment of up to 12 floating offshore wind turbines capable of generating up to 144 megawatts of renewable energy.

The research array will allow the State, the fishing community, wildlife experts, the offshore wind industry, and others to conduct in-depth studies and thoroughly evaluate floating offshore wind as a renewable energy source in the region. Research conducted on the array will evaluate its compatibility with existing ocean uses and assess its potential effects on the environment, supply chains, and job creation.

The State of Maine has designated Pine Tree Offshore Wind, LLC as the operator for the research lease (OCS-A 0553). As a research lease, the state's designated operator will propose and conduct research regarding environmental and engineering aspects of the proposed project. This information will be made public and used to inform future planning, permitting, and construction of commercial-scale floating offshore wind projects in the region.   

Gulf of Maine RFCI Area

On October 1, 2021, BOEM received an application from the State of Maine for a research lease requesting 9,700 acres on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf in a location more than 20 nautical miles off the Maine coast. If developed, the research site would consist of up to 12 floating offshore wind turbines capable of generating up to 144 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy. 

Request for Competitive Interest

On Aug.19, 2022, BOEM published a Request for Competitive Interest (RFCI) for the Gulf of Maine in the Federal Register for a 45-day public comment period. Comment submissions can be viewed by visiting Federal eRulemaking Portal: In the search box at the top of the webpage, enter BOEM-2022-0041 and then click “search.”

BOEM issued this RFCI because regulations require that BOEM identify whether or not there is competitive commercial interest in any area that is the subject of an unsolicited lease request.

Gulf of Maine: Next Steps for Commercial & Research Planning & Leasing 

On Aug. 19, 2022, BOEM also published a separate Request for Interest (RFI), the first step in the commercial planning and leasing process. More information on that process can be found on the

Determination of No Competitive Interest 

On January 19, 2023, BOEM announced its “Determination of No Competitive Interest” for a research lease proposed by the State of Maine. BOEM’s determination means that the bureau will move forward to process the state’s research application, which could be used to inform any future commercial offshore wind development in the Gulf of Maine.  

On March 20, 2023, BOEM published the Notice of Determination of No Competitive Interest (DNCI) in a Proposed Research Lease Area on the Gulf of Maine Outer Continental Shelf in the Federal Register.

The determination of no competitive interest in the RFCI area does not guarantee that the State of Maine will receive a research lease. The next steps for processing the research application include publishing a Determination of No Competitive Interest in the Federal Register and initiating an environmental review of potential impacts from offshore wind leasing activities associated with the research lease. 

On May 3, 2023, BOEM announced the publication of the Gulf of Maine’s Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) for a wind energy research lease on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf offshore Maine in the Federal Register on May 4, 2023. The publication opened a 30-day public comment period, which closed on Jun. 5, 2023.  

On July 21, 2023, the Notice of Availability (NOA) for the Draft EA for the proposed Gulf of Maine Research Lease published in the Federal Register. The following documents are available for viewing: 

During the comment period, BOEM held two virtual public meetings for the Draft EA. Recordings of those meetings are below. 

On May 29, 2024, the Notice of Availability (NOA) for the Final EA for the proposed Gulf of Maine Research Lease published in the Federal Register. After carefully considering alternatives described and analyzed in the Final Environmental Assessment (Final EA), as well as comments from the public and cooperating and consulting agencies on the Draft EA, BOEM determined there would be no significant impact on the environment as a result of lease issuance.   

National Historic Preservation Act

Under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), BOEM conducted a Section 106 review associated with the wind energy research lease on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf offshore Maine. After providing the public the opportunity to review and comment, BOEM provided a Finding of Effect (FOE), November 2, 2023. The document is available for viewing:  

Maine Research Lease Area
Gulf of Maine Research Lease

Lease Offering 

On May 24, 2024, BOEM offered the research lease to the State of Maine. The location and size of the research lease was determined through a collaborative process between BOEM, the State of Maine, USCG and NCCOS to determine an area of the OCS that would facilitate the requested research in as deconflicted an area as possible.

Research Lease Execution

On August 19, 2024, BOEM announced the execution of the nation’s first floating offshore wind energy research lease. The lease area covers a little less than 15,000 acres located 28 nautical miles offshore Maine on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf and could allow for the deployment of up to 12 floating offshore wind turbines capable of generating up to 144 megawatts of renewable energy. The State of Maine has designated Pine Tree Offshore Wind, LLC as the operator for the research lease (OCS-A 0553).

As required by the lease, the leaseholder is required to develop publicly available communication plans. Additional information is provided below. 

The Native American Tribes Communication Plan describes the strategies that the Lessee intends to use for communicating with federally recognized Tribes and outlines methods for engaging with and disseminating information to federally recognized Tribes with cultural and/or historical ties to the lease area.   

The Fisheries Communication Plan describes the strategies that the Lessee intends to use for communicating with commercial and recreational fisheries prior to and during activities in support of the submission of a plan, such as a Site Assessment Plan or Construction and Operations Plan.  The plan includes information on the distribution of “Notice to Mariners” and other outreach and coordination. Additionally, the plan includes the lessee’s Fisheries Liaison as a primary point of contact and a process to file complaints with the lessee and seek replacement of or compensation for lost gear.  

The Agency Communication Plan describes the strategies that the Lessee intends to use for communicating with federal, state, and local agencies with authority related to the lease area. The plan outlines specific methods for engaging with and disseminating information related to permits and trust resources to these agencies. 
These communications plans will be available in early 2025 on the lessee’s website and will be updated and refined over time.

As required by the lease, the leaseholder is required to submit progress reports to BOEM every six months until approval of a Research Activities Plan. The intent of the progress report is to improve Lessee communication and transparency with Tribes and other parties, including:

  • Coastal communities
  • Commercial and recreational fishing industries
  • Educational and research institutions
  • Environmental and public interest non-governmental organizations
  • Federal, state, and local agencies
  • Federally recognized Tribes
  • General public
  • Mariners and the maritime industry
  • Ocean users
  • Submarine cable operators
  • Underserved communities, as defined in Section 2 of Executive Order 13985

Additionally, the intent of the progress report is to encourage lessees to identify and engage with underserved communities, including environmental justice communities that may be disproportionately impacted by the Project’s offshore activities, to avoid, minimize, and mitigate potential adverse effects.

This project’s first progress report will be available in the spring of 2025.

The lessee has not submitted a Research Activities Plan (RAP) for BOEM review. Once a RAP is submitted, BOEM will post it here.

The lessee has not submitted a Research Activities Plan (RAP) for BOEM review. Lease-specific environmental review based on the RAP will be updated here.