The full text of the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Alternative Energy Development and Production and Alternate Use of Facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf is available for downloading or online browsing. The following documents are in PDF format, which requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Letter to the Reader
Summary: Introductory letter to the reader.
Volume I: Executive Summary through Chapter 4
Volume I Front Matter
Summary: Frontmatter for Volume I of the Final Programmatic EIS document, including cover page, table of contents, notation, and units of measure.
Executive Summary
Summary: A brief overview of the Final Programmatic EIS, including summaries of the proposed action and alternatives, potential impacts and mitigation for alternative energy development, potential impacts and mitigation for alternate use of existing facilities, impacts from nonroutine conditions, and cumulative impacts of the proposed action.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Summary: Introduction to the Final Programmatic EIS, including purpose and need for this EIS, the scope of the analysis including what technologies and what portions of the OCS are considered, and the legal framework within which this EIS was produced.
Chapter 2: Proposed Action and Alternatives
Summary: Discussion of the proposed action considered in the Final Programmatic EIS, alternatives analyzed, and comparison of the alternatives. Alternatives discussed in detail include: the proposed action (i.e., the establishment of the Alternative Energy and Alternate Use Program on the OCS through rulemaking); a case-by-case alternative (i.e., BOEM would consider individual project proposals for alternative energy or alternate use on a case-by-case basis but would not issue formal regulations); a no action alternative (i.e., BOEM would not approve leases, easements, or rights-of-way for any alternative energy facility on the Federal OCS or alternate use of existing offshore facilities); and a preferred alternative (i.e., a combination of the proposed action and the case-by-case alternative).
Chapter 3: Overview of Potential Alternative Energy Technologies on the OCS
Summary: Chapter 3 summarizes potential alternative energy technologies available and screens out unlikely candidates; it also describes the general operating principle for each alternative energy technology considered, current development status, and the necessary site characteristics.
Chapter 4: Affected Environment
Summary: A description of the OCS areas that may be suitable for alternative energy development. Descriptions are presented by coastal region (Atlantic, Gulf of America, and Pacific) and include each area's current use, physical characteristics (e.g., geology, oceanography, meteorology), marine biota and habitats, and socioeconomic characteristics.
Volume II: Chapter 5
Volume II Front Matter
Summary: Frontmatter for Volume II of the Final Programmatic EIS document, including cover page, table of contents, notation, and units of measure.
Chapter 5: Potential Impacts of Alternative Energy Development on the OCS and Analysis of Potential Mitigation Measures
Summary: A description of the environmental and socioeconomic impacts for each alternative energy technology in terms of technology testing, site characterization, construction, operation, and decommissioning.
Volume III: Chapter 6 through Chapter 12
Volume III Front Matter
Summary: Frontmatter for Volume III of the Final Programmatic EIS document, including cover page, table of contents, notation, and units of measure.
Chapter 6: Alternate Uses of Existing Oil and Natural Gas Platforms on The OCS
Summary: Chapter 6 summarizes the characteristics of oil and gas platforms on the OCS likely to be retired from their current use; it also discusses potential uses for these retired platforms and presents the environmental and socioeconomic impacts for each alternate use (alternate uses considered are alternative energy projects, aquaculture, and research and monitoring).
Chapter 7: Analysis of The Proposed Action and Its Alternatives
Summary: Chapter 7 compares the estimated environmental impacts of alternative energy project activities on the OCS with other options either not employing their use or substituting other energy resources (e.g., coal- or gas-fired generation).
Chapter 8: Consultation and Coordination
Summary: A list of the activities involved in the preparation of the programmatic EIS, including public scoping, comments on the EIS, coordination among BOEM offices, and interactions with other Federal agencies.
Chapter 9: References
Summary: A list of references cited in Chapters 1 through 8.
Chapter 10: List of Preparers
Summary: List of individuals who participated in the preparation of the Final Programmatic EIS, including a summary of their expertise, experience, professional discipline, and contribution to the Final Programmatic EIS.
Chapter 11: Glossary
Summary: Definitions of scientific and technical terms used in the Final Programmatic EIS.
Chapter 12: Index
Summary: Page numbers for key terms used in the Final Programmatic EIS.
Volume IV: Appendix A through Appendix C
Volume IV Front Matter
Summary: Frontmatter for Volume IV of the Final Programmatic EIS document, including cover page, table of contents, notation, and units of measure.
Appendix A: Section 388 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Public Law 109-58
Summary: Text of Section 388 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Public Law 109-58.
Appendix B: Public Comments on the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
Summary: Text of public comments received on the draft programmatic EIS submitted in person at public hearings, via the Internet, or via mail. Included are BOEM responses to the comments.
Comments and Responses
- Comments and Responses: Part 1
- Comments and Responses: Part 2
- Comments and Responses: Part 3
- Comments and Responses: Part 4
- Comments and Responses: Part 5
- Comments and Responses: Part 6
- Comments and Responses: Part 7
- Comments and Responses: Part 8
- Comments and Responses: Part 9
- Comments and Responses: Part 10
- Comments and Responses: Part 11
- Comments and Responses: Part 12
Appendix C: Contractor Disclosure Statement
Summary: Certification by Argonne National Laboratory (contractor assisting the Minerals Management Service in preparing the programmatic environmental impact statement) that it has no financial or other interest in the outcome of the project.