Maps created by BOEM cartographers for a variety of uses:
- Archaeology Route Application - allows the user to view the geo-rectified courses of ships taken over the past 400 years.
- High-Resolution Geophysical Survey Application - allows the user to view and query High Resolution Geophysical Surveys that were completed in the Gulf and submitted to BOEM as Geohazard/Archaeology Reports.
- Map of Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA) of 2006 - Map showing Phase I and 2 Revenue Sharing Areas and Current Moratoria Areas. More information about GOMESA can be found here.
- Federal Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Administrative Boundaries — Maps, shapefiles and coordinates for the newly developed OCS Administrative Boundaries.
- BOEM Sand & Gravel Program Gulf Maps and data
- Seismic Water Bottom Anomalies (in Shape Format)
- BOEM Gulf of America Bathymetry Map from 3D Seismic