Eastern Gulf Lease Sale 197 Information

Two lease sales in the Eastern Gulf Planning Area were scheduled under the OCS 5-Year Program for 2002-2007. Under the current 1.5 million-acre configuration, Lease Sale 189 was held in 2003 and Sale 197 was held on March 16, 2005. The 2002-2007 5-Year Program did not propose the leasing of any OCS areas withdrawn from leasing by moratoria or executive order.

Important Sale 197 Dates:

  • February 7, 2002 - Federal Register (FR) Call/Notice published
  • March 2002 - Public hearings held in New Orleans and Mobile
  • November 2002/May 2003 - Draft and Final EIS made available to the public, respectively
  • November 2004 - Notice of Availability of Proposed Notice of Sale published in Federal Register
  • February 2005 - Final Notice of Sale published in the Federal Register
  • March 16, 2005 - Sale 197

Final Notice of Sale Package (released February 11, 2005)

News Releases and Fact Sheets

Preliminary Sale Statistics (released March 15, 2005) 

Lease Sale Map - Bid Distribution (released March 16, 2005) 

Blocks Receiving Bids (released March 16, 2005) 

Notification of EFT 1/5 Bonus Liability (released March 16, 2005) 

Bid Evaluation Results

Sale Statistics (released March 16, 2005)

Final Bid Recap (released May 25, 2005)