2000 | ||
2000-090 | Proposed Use of Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading Systems on the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf, Final Environmental Impact Statement | |
2000-087 | Estimation of Fisheries Impacts Due to Underwater Explosions Used to Sever and Salvage Oil and Gas Platforms in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico | |
2000-081 | User's Guide for the Breton Offshore Activities Data System (BOADS) for Air Quality Final Report | |
2000-079 2000-080 |
DeSoto Canyon Eddy Intrusion, Final Report, Volume I: Executive Summary, Volume II: Technical Report | |
2000-075 | Meteorology of the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico: Data from 1995 to 1997 Final Report | |
2000-074 | Physical/Biological Oceanographic Integration Workshop for the DeSoto Canyon and Adjacent Shelf | |
2000-073 | Rigs-to-Reefs Policy, Progress, and Perspective | |
2000-069 | Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf, December 31, 1998 | |
2000-065 | Coastal Alabama Offshore Natural Gas Economic Projection Model | |
2000-064 | Environmental Impacts of Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluids | |
2000-053 | Wave Climate and Bottom Boundary Layer Dynamics with Implications for Offshore Sand Mining and Barrier Island Replenishment, South-Central Louisiana | |
2000-049 2000-050 |
Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Environmental and Socioeconomic Data Search and Literature Synthesis Volume I: Technical Narrative and Volume II: Annotated Bibliography | |
2000-045 | Dynamic Height and Seawater Transport across the Texas-Louisiana Shelf Break | |
2000-044 | Economic Effects of Coastal Alabama and Destin Dome Offshore Natural Gas Exploration, Development, and Production, OCS Study MMS 2000-044 | |
2000-040 | Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf, Georges Bank Compilation of Continental Offshore Stratigraphic Test (COST) and Industry Exploration Drilling, 1976 - 1982 | |
May 2000 | Gulf of Mexico Science on the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary Volume XVI No. 2, December 1998 | |
2000-022 | Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: America's Emerging Frontier | |
2000-017 | Oceanic Gas Hydrate Research and Activities Review | |
2000-015 | Deepwater Development: A Reference Document for the Deepwater Environmental Assessment, Gulf of Mexico OCS (1998 through 2007) | |
2000-014 | Air Quality and Dispersion Meteorology over the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico: Measurements, Analyses, and Syntheses | |
2000-012 | Daily Oil and Gas Production Rate Projections From 2000 Through 2004, Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf | |
2000-009 | Observation of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the Western and Central Gulf of Mexico, Second Annual Report | |
2000-006 | Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf, December 31, 1997 | |
2000-005 | Seasonal and Spatial Variation in the Biomass and Size Frequency Distribution of Fish Associated with Oil and Gas Platforms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico | |
2000-002 2000-003 2000-004 |
Cetaceans, Sea Turtles, and Seabirds in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Distribution, Abundance, and Habitat Associations Volume I: Executive Summary; Volume II: Technical Report; Volume III: Data Appendix |
2000-001 | Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Operations and Activities: Environmental Assessment |