2002 | ||
2002-078 | Deepwater Program: Bluewater Fishing and OCS Activity: Interactions Between the Fishing and Petroleum Industries in Deepwaters of the Gulf of Mexico, Final Report | |
2002-077 | Offshore Petroleum Platforms: Functional Significance for Larval Fish Across Longitudinal and Latitudinal Gradients | |
2002-073 | Emissions Inventories of OCS Production and Development Activities in the Gulf of Mexico, Final Report | |
2002-072 | Effect of the Oil and Gas Industry on Commuting and Migration Patterns in Louisiana: 1960-1990 | |
2002-069 | Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lease Sales, Eastern Planning Area, 2003-2007, and Gulfwide OCS Program 2003-2042 | |
2002-064 | Lagrangian Study of Circulation, Transport, and Vertical Exchange in the Gulf of Mexico | |
2002-063 | Deepwater Program: Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope Habitats and Benthic Ecology -- Year 2: Interim Report | |
2002-055 | Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Chemical Oceanography and Hydrography Study: Synthesis Report | |
2002-054 | Socioeconomic Baseline Study for the Gulf of Mexico, Final Report: Description of the Dataset, 1930-1990 | |
2002-048 | Development of Bioremediation for Oil Spill Cleanup in Coastal Wetlands | |
2002-044 2002-045 2002-046 |
Boating Uses, Economic Significance, & Information Inventory for North Carolina's Offshore Area, "The Point" Volume I: Characterization of Recreational and Commercial Fisheries Volume II: Economic Analysis of "The Point" and Adjacent Counties: Baseline Information, Valuation, and Potential Impacts Volume III: Data Inventory Related to the Hatteras Middle Slope Area Bibliography |
2002-038 | Outer Continental Shelf Pipelines Crossing the Louisiana Coastal Zone: Geographic Information System Approach, Final Report | |
2002-035 2002-036 |
Stability and Change in Gulf of Mexico Chemosynthetic Communities, Volume I: Executive Summary, Volume II: Final Report | |
2002-031 | Daily Oil and Gas Production Rate Projections From 2002 Through 2006, Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf | |
2002-028 | Observation of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study in the Western and Central Gulf of Mexico | |
2002-024 2002-025 2002-026 |
Socioeconomic Baseline and Projections of the Impact of an OCS Onshore Base for Selected Florida Panhandle Communities -- Volume I: Final Report; Volume II: Technical Description of the MMS Florida Panhandle Model; Volume III: User's Guide for the Model | |
2002-022 2002-023 |
Social and Economic Impacts of OCS Activity on Individuals and Families Volume I: Final Report, Southern Louisiana Volume II: Case Studies of Morgan City and New Iberia, Louisiana | |
2002-021 | Deepwater Gulf of Mexico 2002: America's Expanding Frontier | |
2002-011 | Socioeconomic and Environmental Issues Analysis of Oil and Gas Activity in the Outer Continental Shelf of the Western Gulf of Mexico | |
2002-010 | Economic Impact of Recreational Fishing and Diving Associated with Offshore Oil and Gas Structures in the Gulf of Mexico | |
2002-009 | Effects of Simultaneous Exposure to Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Hypoxia, and Prior Exposure on the Tolerance and Sublethal Responses of Marine Animals; Blue Crabs and Killifish: Final Report | |
2002-007 | Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves, Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf, December 31, 1999 | |
2002-004 | Proceedings: Gulf of Mexico Fish and Fisheries: Bringing Together New and Recent Research |