Technical Announcements 2013

BOEM 2013-217 Deep-Water Coral Distribution and Abundance on Active Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms and Decommissioned Rigs-to-Reefs Platforms
BOEM 2013-216 Corals on Oil and Gas Platforms Near the Flower Garden Banks: Population Characteristics, Recruitment, and Genetic Affinity
BOEM 2013-214
and 2013-215
Long-Term Monitoring at the East and West Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, 2009-2010; Volume I: Technical Report; Volume II: Appendices
BOEM 2013-0123 Short-term Movement, Home Range, and Behavior of Red Snapper Around Petroleum Platforms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, as Determined by High Resolution Acoustic Telemetry
BOEM 2013-0120 Platform Recruited Reef Fish, Phase II: Do Platforms Provide Habitat that Increases the Survival of Reef Fishes?
BOEM 2013-01160 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, December 31, 2009
BOEM 2013-01157 South Atlantic Information Resources: Data Search and Literature Synthesis
BOEM 2013-0113
and 0114
Energy Market and Infrastructure Information for Evaluating Renewable Energy Projects for the Atlantic and Pacific OCS Regions Volume I: Technical Report and Volume II: Appendices
BOEM 2013-0112 Offshore Drilling Industry and Rig Construction Market in the Gulf of Mexico
BOEM 2013-0111 Socioeconomic Responses to Coastal Land Loss and Hurricanes: Measuring Resilience among Outer Continental Shelf-Related Coastal Communities in Louisiana
BOEM 2013-01110 Meteorological and Wave Measurements for Improving Meteorological and Air Quality Modeling
BOEM 2013-011110 Archaeological Analysis of Submerged Sites on the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf

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