Welcome to the Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind North Scoping Virtual Meeting Room. Your participation is an essential part of BOEM’s environmental review process.
On Mar. 15, 2024, BOEM announced the Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed Atlantic Shores North Wind project. The following documents are available for viewing:
The Notice of Intent (NOI) initiated a 45-day public scoping period that ended on May 2, 2024. During the scoping period, BOEM hosted five public scoping meetings (two virtual and three in-person) where the public could learn more about the Construction and Operations Plan (COP), ask questions, and provide oral comment.
The two virtual meetings were held on:
- April 3, 2024
- Video: Opening Remarks and Agenda
- Video: Leasing Process Presentation
- Video: NEPA Presentation
- Video: Atlantic Shores Presentation
- Video: NJBPU/NJDEP Presentations
- Video: Public Comments Session
- Video: Question and Answer Session
- April 16, 2024
- Video: Opening Remarks and Agenda
- Video: Leasing Process Presentation
- Video: NEPA Presentation
- Video: Atlantic Shores Presentation
- Video: NJBPU/NJDEP Presentations
- Video: Public Comments Session
- Video: Question and Answer Session
During each virtual meeting, BOEM provided an overview presentation, after which members of the public could make formal oral public statements. Attendees were also able to ask clarifying questions to BOEM staff through the webinar’s questions and answers (Q&A) function. All comments and questions received during the public meetings will be part of the public record. Transcripts of the virtual meetings will be available soon.
In-person meetings:
- Tues., Apr. 9, 2024, 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.
The Berkeley Hotel, 1401 Ocean Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ 07712
- Wed., Apr. 10, 2024, 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Grand Oaks Country Club, 200 Huguenot Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10312
- Thurs., Apr. 11, 2024, 5:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Dyker Beach Golf Course, 86th Street and 7th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11228
The in-person meetings followed an informal, open-house format. Attendees could visit stations to view project information posters staffed by BOEM subject matter experts. The BOEM team shared information and answered questions in their areas of expertise. Attendees could also view a pre-recorded video presentation providing a project description, details regarding the National Environmental Policy Act (or NEPA) process, and BOEM’s approach to the analysis of the Construction and Operations Plan (or COP).
At the meetings, comments could be submitted by using a written form and/or providing recorded oral comments by meeting individually with a court reporter for up to five minutes each. The public was also able to submit comments during the open comment period, which ended at 11:59 pm Eastern on May 2, 2024, online at www.regulations.gov or by mail to BOEM.
The public comment period ended on May 2, 2024.
Detailed information about the proposed wind energy facility, including the Construction and Operations Plan (COP), can be found on BOEM’s website at: https://www.boem.gov/renewable-energy/state-activities/new-jersey/atlantic-shores-north-ocs-0549.
During the comment period that ended on May 2, 2024, Written comments could be submitted in any of the following ways:
- Oral or written comments during any of the public meetings listed in the Notice of Intent (NOI).
- Delivered by mail or delivery service, enclosed in an envelope labeled, “ATLANTIC SHORES NORTH COP EIS” and addressed to Kimberly Sullivan, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Coordinator, Environmental Branch for Renewable Energy, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 45600 Woodland Road, VAM-OREP, Sterling, Virginia 20166; or
- Through the regulations.gov web portal: Navigate to www.regulations.gov and search for Docket No. BOEM-2024-0008. Select the document in the search results on which you want to comment, click on the “Comment” button, and follow the online instructions for submitting your comment. A commenter’s checklist is available on the comment webpage. Enter your information and comment, then click “Submit.”
You can find the comments on http://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket No. BOEM-2024-0008.
What is BOEM's mission?
BOEM is the bureau within the Department of the Interior that oversees the environmentally and economically responsible development of our energy and mineral resources on almost 2.5 billion acres of the nation’s Outer Continental Shelf, or OCS. All our activities are underlain by our robust environmental program, which ensures that we develop and use the best available science in our decision making.
We consider public input to be a critical component of safe and responsible offshore resource management. We solicit public comments from a host of stakeholders and ocean users, including the fishing community, mariners, and coastal communities, in our environmental reviews and regulatory programs.
Why have meetings during this time?
To the greatest extent possible, we are working to maintain services to the American people and our stakeholders. As such, we are planning to hold both virtual and in-person public meetings. The public meetings are an opportunity for public involvement and an opportunity to provide comments on the EIS.
What is the process for finalizing BOEM’s decision on the proposed Project?
Following the comment period, BOEM will analyze all comments received during the public comment period for the Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Construction and Operations Plan (COP) submitted by Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind, LLC (Atlantic Shores).
The NOI public comment period will help identify what BOEM may consider as part of its environmental review of Atlantic Shores’ COP. Throughout the scoping process, multiple opportunities exist to help BOEM determine the important resources and issues, impact-producing factors, reasonable alternatives and potential mitigating measures that should be analyzed in the EIS.
Following the scoping comment period, BOEM will review the comments to identify issues and potential alternatives for consideration in the Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind North Draft EIS.
Who has BOEM conducted outreach with?
BOEM engages Tribes, our government partners, ocean users, and key stakeholders throughout our planning process to identify areas where environmental impacts and user conflicts can be avoided or reduced. BOEM is implementing a more regional approach to its planning and leasing by combining many of the state level intergovernmental task forces into regional task forces.
In addition, BOEM is exploring ways to enhance transparency and engagement throughout the planning process to ensure the best available science and Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge are used, the public has opportunities to comment, and stakeholders understand wind energy area identification, review, and leasing decisions.
Following lease execution and years of site investigation by the lessee, BOEM prepares an EIS for the lessee’s COP. This comprehensive environmental review also addresses cumulative impacts, including those from other approved and proposed offshore wind facilities in the same region.
Will my comments be anonymous?
BOEM discourages anonymous comments. Please include your name and address as part of your comment. You should be aware that your entire comment, including your name, address, and any other personally identifiable information included in your comment, may be made publicly available. All comments from individuals, businesses, and organizations will be available for public viewing on regulations.gov.
For BOEM to consider withholding your Personally identifiable information (PII) from disclosure, you must identify any information contained in your comments that, if released, would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of your personal privacy. You must also briefly describe any possible harmful consequences of the disclosure of information, such as embarrassment, injury, or other harm. Even if BOEM withholds your information in the context of this notice, your submission is subject to FOIA. If your submission is requested under FOIA, your information will only be withheld if a determination is made that one of FOIA's exemptions to disclosure applies. Such a determination will be made in accordance with the Department's FOIA regulations and applicable law.
How can stakeholders comment on this Project?
Your feedback is an essential part of this process. We are planning to hold both virtual and in-person public meetings. The public meetings are an opportunity for public involvement and an opportunity to provide comments on the project. BOEM will accept comments on the Notice of Intent (NOI) through May 2, 2024, in any of the following ways:
- Oral or written comments during any of the public meetings listed in the Notice of Availability.
- Delivered by mail or delivery service, enclosed in an envelope labeled, “ATLANTIC SHORES NORTH COP EIS” and addressed to Kimberly Sullivan, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Coordinator, Environmental Branch for Renewable Energy, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 45600 Woodland Road, VAM-OREP, Sterling, Virginia 20166; or
- Through the regulations.gov web portal: Navigate to www.regulations.gov and search for Docket No. BOEM-2024-00008. Select the document in the search results on which you want to comment, click on the “Comment” button, and follow the online instructions for submitting your comment. A commenter’s checklist is available on the comment webpage. Enter your information and comment, then click “Submit.” See this Regulations.gov How-To Guide for more instructions on how to submit and view comments and answers to frequently asked questions.