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Environmental Studies Information

Surf 50 Years of Coastal and Ocean Science

To fulfill its environmental mandate, BOEM has funded more than $1 billion in scientific research since 1973. This body of research supports timely, responsible offshore energy, mineral, and geological resource development.

ESP has completed over 2,000 studies, and its research covers an extensive portfolio of environmental and human sciences, including physical oceanography, atmospheric sciences, biology, protected species, social sciences, economics, submerged cultural resources, and environmental fates and effects.

  • Latest Year in Review Publication

    A sea turtle swims just under the waters surface as show side on from a camera also near the water's surface.

    Covering studies published October 2022 through December 2023.

Ongoing Studies

Recently Completed Studies

The ESP Quarterly Reports provide one-page summaries for the environmental study reports published each quarter. Visit the archives for previous quarterly reports.

External Sites to BOEM

GovInfo provides a comprehensive inventory of ESP publications, reports, and technical summaries. Search more than 50 years of ocean science using the box below.


Browse Publications and Data by Discipline

The ESP Hub contains 50 years of BOEM’s completed coastal and ocean research, as well as datasets and research published by our partners.

BOEM Environmental Studies Program Hub