Ongoing Environmental Studies - National





Air Quality

NT-20-04Outer Continental Shelf Air Quality System (OCS AQS)Wecht2019-2028
NT-22-02Offshore Air Quality (AQ) from NASA’s Satellites and Related ExperimentsWecht2022-2026
NT-23-02NASA Aircraft Measurements in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM)Wecht2024-2027
NT-23-x12Greenhouse Gases & Climate Change ResearchWecht2021-2026
NT-20-07Response to Comments on the Air Quality Modeling in the Gulf of Mexico Region ReportWecht2020-2022


NT-19-07Archaeological Investigations in Support of Development of Energy and Mineral Resources on the U.S. Outer Continental ShelfHorrell2019-2023


NT-20-10A sustainable, integrated AMBON in the US ArcticBonsell2020-2022
NT-20-06Continued Partnership with National Museum of Natural History, Department of Invertebrate Zoology for a Voucher-based, Genomic Reference Facility for Ocean BiodiversityBlythe2020-2024
NT-19-03Developing an Auditory Weighting Function for Low-Frequency WhalesStaaterman2019-2022
NT-16-05aLaunching the National Animal Telemetry Network; Development and Support AgreementPrice2016-2020
NT-13-05Marine Arctic Ecosystems Study (MARES): A Multi-Agency NOPP PartnershipCrowley2015-2020
NT-16-05Launching the National Animal Telemetry Network; Development and Support AgreementPrice2015-2020
Endangered Species

Fates and Effects

NT-19-02Compendium on Oil Spill ScienceBucatari2019-2021


NT-17-03Demonstration Project, Integrating DNA Profiles, Genomics and Photo-Identification data in long term monitoring of long lived marine megafaunaLevenson2020-2022

Information Management

NT-19-04Automated detection and classification of wildlife targets in digital aerial imageryWhite2019-2021
NT-19-01Creating Environmental Studies Program Information System (ESPIS) Linked Data to Enhance Support of BOEM Business LinesBlythe2020-2022

Physical Oceanography

NT-20-05High Resolution Modeling of the Gulf of MexicoJi2020-2022

Protected Species

NT-20-02Addressing Data Gaps In Sea Turtle Hearing Sensitivity and Impacts of SoundLevenson2020-2022
NT-17-x20Developing the Next Generation of Animal Telemetry: A Partnership To Develop Cost Effective, Open-Source, Marine Megafaunal TrackingLevenson2017-2019
NT-17-02Spatial & Acoustic Ecology of Pelagic MegavertebratesLevenson2017-2022
NT-16-06A Metadata System for Detections or Marine Mammal Vocalizations from Passive Acoustic Monitoring Recordings; Phase II Development of Tethys SoftwarePrice2016-2018
NT-11-08Development of Software and Hardware to Acoustically Detect, Classify, and Locate Marine Mammals --- NOPP co-sponsorshipPrice2011-2015
NT-10-03Support for NOPP Project on Improving Cetacean Electronic Data Loggers (satellite-tracked tags for marine mammal studies)Price2010-2015
NT-16-06A Metadata System for Detections or Marine Mammal Vocalizations from Passive Acoustic Monitoring Recordings; Phase II Development of Tethys SoftwarePrice2015-2018
NT-17-02Spatial & Acoustic Ecology of Pelagic MegavertebratesLevenson2017-2020
NT-17-x20Developing the Next Generation of Animal Telemetry: A Partnership To Develop Cost Effective, Open-Source, Marine Megafaunal TrackingLevenson2017-2019


NT-20-x13Socioeconomic Impacts Likely to Result from Initial Oil and Gas Projects in Frontier AreasStrellec2020-2022
NT-20-09bBelmont Forum-coordinated International Collaborations; Assessment Framework for successful development of viable ocean multi-use systems (MULTI-FRAME)Kilpatrick2020-2024
NT-13-x11aWALRUS - Walrus Adaptability and Long-term Responses; Using multi-proxy data to project Sustainability (ArcSEES)Primo2013-2019
NT-13-x11bCumulative Effects of Arctic Oil Development – Planning and Designing for Sustainability (ArcSEES)Primo2013-2018