July 15, 2024, 9-5 p.m. ET Stonybrook University in the Union Ballroom
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), Office of Renewable Energy Programs, in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), hosted a compensatory mitigation workshop for offshore wind and birds at Stony Brook University on July 15, 2024. The workshop featured presentations, panel discussions, and break-out groups that discussed topics pertaining compensatory mitigation regulatory drivers, environmental analysis, debits and credits, and criteria for developing compensatory mitigation plans.
The workshop was targeted towards Federal agencies, Tribes, States, offshore wind developers, environmental market experts, Environmental non-governmental organizations and other interested parties.
Workshop Goals
- Provide background on regulatory and policy frameworks
- Build a shared understanding of the stepped approach to compensatory mitigation
- Explore mitigation in the offshore wind space
- Explore how best to administer a program
- Consider principles and elements to inform a future BOEM Avian Mitigation Policy
Federal Panel on the Wildlife Mitigation Framework and Calculating Debits
- Compensatory Mitigation for Offshore Wind, Kyle Baker, BOEM
- Offshore Wind Energy Development and Compensatory Mitigation in the Northeast Region, Stephanie Vail-Muse, FWS
- Resource Equivalency Analysis: Quantifying Mitigation for Offshore Wind Projects, Melissa Phillips-Hagedorn and Peter Girgelis, FWS
Expert Panel on Ideas for Projects
- Standards for Good Compensatory Mitigation, Shauna Everett, USFWS
- Avian Mitigation Planning, Kim Peters, Ørsted
- Avian Compensatory Mitigation Projects, Paul Phifer, Attentive Energy
- State of the Science Workshop Compensatory Mitigation for Offshore Wind, Atma Khalsa, Avangrid
- Ideas for OSW Mitigation Projects - International Mitigation, Caleb Spiegel, USFWS
- Roseate and Common Tern - Mitigation Considerations and Practice, Joan Walsh, American Natural History Museum
Expert Panel on Experience to Date
- Strategic Environmental Compensation - European Lessons - European Lessons, Ivan Savitsky, Carbon Trust
- Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act- Compensatory Mitigation, Kylan Frye, USFWS
- Mitigation Solutions: Compensatory Mitigation - Bats, Greg Good, Conservation Fund
- Conservation Banking & Landscape Equivalency Analysis, Doug Bruggemen, Ecological Services and Markets
- Compensatory Mitigation for Offshore Wind - Implementing Programs, Stephanie TomCoupe, NFWF