oil platform on the ocean

Lease Sale 261

What's New: BOEM completed its analyses of the high bids offered in Gulf of America Oil and Gas Lease Sale 261, which was held on Dec. 20, 2023. These analyses are conducted to ensure the American people receive fair market value for all acreage leased on the Outer Continental Shelf.

Twenty-six companies participated in the sale, offering 352 bids for 311 tracts covering approximately 1,728,344 acres for a total of $441,896,332. The total high bids offered on the 311 tracts was $382,168,507.

The results of BOEM’s oil and gas property appraisal process, which entails extensive geological, geophysical, engineering, economic and probabilistic analyses, enabled BOEM to award a total of 299 leases on tracts covering approximately 1,659,224 acres. The total high bids accepted on these tracts is $372,460,408.

BOEM did not award leases on 12 tracts based on the results of BOEM’s oil and gas property appraisal analyses which determined that the high bid offered on each of these tracts was below the minimum acceptable fair market value. The total high bids offered for the 12 leases not awarded is $9,708,099. The acreage on these 12 tracts may be re-offered for lease in subsequent Gulf oil and gas lease sales.

The highest high bid accepted was $25,500,085, submitted by Anadarko US Offshore LLC, for Mississippi Canyon block 389.

Final Bid Recap  

Bid Evaluation Results  

Phase 2 Decision Matrix (31.11 KB) (April 10, 2024)
Phase 2 Acceptances by Submitter (19.39 KB) (April 10, 2024)
Phase 2 Acceptances (41.86 KB) (March 21, 2024)
Phase 2 - Acceptances (51.78 KB) (March 12, 2024)
Phase 2 - Acceptances (50.73 KB) (February 27, 2024)
Phase 2 Acceptance (202.75 KB) (February 20, 2024)
Phase 2 Acceptance (90.55 KB) (February 2, 2024)
Phase 2 Acceptance (78.51 KB) (January 23, 2024)

Notification of EFT 1/5 Bonus Liability  

Sale-261-Notification-of-EFT (96.35 KB) (December 20, 2023)

Sale Statistics  

The documents below contain statistical information specific to Sale 261 held on December 20, 2023. The reports organize the data in several different ways.

Sale Statistics - Includes general summary information on sale bids.

Preliminary Bid Recap by Area & Block for All Bids (Report 1) - Includes complete information on all blocks that received bids. A final bid recap which includes bid acceptance and rejection results will be posted approximately three months after sale day.

High Bids Ranked by Bid Amount (Report 4) - Includes information on all high bids in ranked order.

Analysis of Bids by Company - Includes information on all bids by all companies.

Summaries of Company Bids (Report 6) - Includes bidding information by companies. The four reports are sorted by company as follows:

Sale 261 ZIP - This file displays bid information on acreage, royalty rates, and companies participating in this sale. It contains five fixed format, ASCII data files of tract, bid, and company data as well as a text file which shows the record layouts.

Lease Sale Map - Bid Distribution  

Lease Sale Map – Bid Distribution (December 20, 2023)PDF file | Zipped postscript file* | ARCGIS Online Interactive Map

Active Leases and Bids Received Map (December 20, 2023)PDF file | Zipped postscript file* | ARCGIS Online Interactive Map

*Note: This is an encapsulated Postscript plot file generated by ArcView. WinZip 8.1 was used to compress this file. Please read our disclaimer prior to downloading files.

Blocks Receiving Bids  

Blocks Receiving Bids (December 20, 2023)

Blocks Receiving Bids - ASCII file

Note: This file contains the two letter area identifier, block number, and number of bids received on that block. Please read our disclaimer prior to downloading files.

Miscellaneous Presale Statistics  

Sale 261 Miscellaneous Presale Statistics (3.54 KB) (December 19, 2023)

Final Notice of Sale  

Final NOS 261 (scheduled for Nov. 20, 2023)

Information to Lessees for Sale 261

Lease Stipulations for Oil and Gas Lease Sale 261

List of Blocks Available for Leasing (pdf file or zipped ASCII file)

Unleased Split Blocks and Available Unleased Acreage of Blocks and Irregular Portions

GDIS Information:

Example of Preferred Format includes:
1. Geophysical Data and Information Statement (GDIS),
2. Example of GDIS Spreadsheet, Table Definitions and Envelope,
3. Submittal of Reprocessed Data Survey Map, and
4. Example of Live Trace Map and Submission Instructions

Blank GDIS Excel Spreadsheet
For Potential Bidders - Provided for your reference and suggested use is a blank digital copy of the GDIS table, in Excel format, which you may download, complete and submit along with the GDIS and your bid.

Question and Answer section for the GDIS

Bidder Information:

Telephone Numbers/Addresses of Bidders Form
Bid Form and Envelope

Sale Maps:

Lease Terms and Economic Conditions
(pdf file or zipped postscript file or ARCGIS Online Interactive Map)

Stipulations and Deferred Blocks
(pdf file or zipped postscript file or ARCGIS Online Interactive Map)

Proposed Notice of Sale Package  

Proposed Notice of Sale Package

Instructions for Making EFT Bonus Payments  

Sale-261-EFT instruction (2).pdf (185.58 KB) (April 2023)