Leasing & Plans Helpful Information

Regional Supervisor
Bernadette Thomas
(504) 736-2596

Adjudication Section    
Yolanda Winslow, Supervisor        
(504) 736-2851

Adjudication Section Inquiries

Leasing Data Inquiries

Risk Management Operations Section
David Denson, Supervisor
(504) 736- 7538

Financial Assurance/General Risk Inquiries        

Mapping & Automation Section
Leonard Coats, Supervisor
(504) 731-1457 

Deputy Regional Supervisor
Paul Arceneaux
(504) 736-7549

Leasing & Financial Responsibility Section
Bridgette Duplantis, Supervisor
(504) 736-7502

Financial Assurance and Bonding Inquiries
Financial Assurance: (504) 736-2763
Bonding: (504) 736-5774

Oil Spill Financial Responsibility (OSFR) Inquires
(504) 736-7621

Plans Section
Michelle Picou, Supervisor
(504) 736-2747

Plans Inquiries        

Hand filings (in-person filings) are no longer accepted by the Office of Leasing and Plans. 

Email Filings for the Office of Leasing and Plans:  All email filings must be submitted in PDF format and with electronic signatures to the appropriate section email box listed above. Email filings received before 4:00 PM Central Time will be recorded as being received that same day. Electronic filings received after 4:00 PM Central Time will be recorded as being received the following workday.