2004 | ||
2004-074 | Operational and Socioeconomic Impact of Nonexplosive Removal of Offshore Structures | |
2004-073 | Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf, December 31, 2001 | |
2004-072 | Gulfwide Emission Inventory for the Regional Haze and Ozone Modeling Effort; Final Report | |
2004-071 | Data Quality Control and Emissions Inventories of OCS Oil and Gas Production Activities in the Breton Area of the Gulf of Mexico; Final Report | |
2004-070 | User's Guide for the 2005 Gulfwide Offshore Activities Data System (GOADS- 2005); Final Report | |
2004-067 | Sperm Whale Seismic Study in the Gulf of Mexico, Annual Report: Year 2 | |
2004-065 | Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Production Forecast: 2004-2013 | |
2004-063 | High-Resolution Integrated Hydrology-Hydrodynamic Model: Development and Application to Barataria Basin, Louisiana | |
2004-060 | Boundary Layer Study in the Western and Central Gulf of Mexico: Final Report | |
2004-057 | Labor Migration and the Deepwater Oil Industry | |
2004-052 | Economic Effects of Changes in Oil and Gas Prices and State Offshore Petroleum Production on the Louisiana Economy, 1969-1999 | |
2004-051 2004-050 2004-049 |
History of the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry in Southern LouisianaInterim Report: Volume I: Papers on the Evolving Offshore Industry; Volume II: Bayou Lafourche – An Oral History of theDevelopment of the Oil and Gas Industry; Volume III: Samples of Interviews and Ethnographic Preferences | |
2004-047 | Supply Network for Deepwater Oil and Gas Development in the Gulf ofMexico: An Empirical Analysis of Demand for Port Services, Final Report | |
2004-041 | Economic Impact in the U.S. of Deepwater Projects: A Survey of Five Projects | |
2004-040 | Strong Mid-Depth Currents and a Deep Cyclonic Gyre in the Gulf of Mexico | |
2004-039 | Fate and Effects of a Spill of Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluid at Mississippi Canyon Block 778 | |
2004-036 | Observational and Predictive Study of Inner Shelf Currents Over the Louisiana-Texas Shelf | |
2004-027 | Deepwater Program: OCS-Related Infrastructure in theGulf of Mexico Fact Book | |
2004-022 | Subsurface, High-Speed Current Jets in theDeepwater Region of the Gulf of Mexico: Final Report | |
2004-021 | Deepwater Gulf of Mexico 2004: America's Expanding Frontier | |
2004-017 | Cross-Shelf Exchange Processes and the Deepwater Circulation of the Gulf ofMexico: Dynamical Effects of Submarine Canyons and Interactions ofLoop Current Eddies with Topography, Final Report | |
2004-016 | Fiscal System Analysis: Concessionary and Contractual SystemsUsed in Offshore Petroleum Arrangements | |
2004-013 | Intermediate Depth Circulation in the Gulf of Mexico: PALACE FloatResults for the Gulf of Mexico between April 1998 and March 2002 | |
2004-009 | Long-Term Oil and Gas Structure Installation and Removal Forecastingin the Gulf of Mexico: A Decision- and Resource-Based Approach |