ESP Report and Footprint Specifications

The ESP Report and Footprint Specifications below provide instructions for authors, vendors, contract and project officers, and editors. These specifications apply to all final deliverables prepared for BOEM’s ESP, regardless of vendor type (i.e., private sector entities and academic or public government institutions through contracts or cooperative agreements, and Federal partners through inter/intra agency agreements). The ESP Data and Information Specifications are incorporated by reference in project awards and are supplied to the selected vendor.

ESP Study Reports

The following files (updated April 2021) provide guidance on preparing BOEM-funded ESP studies reports.

FileDescriptionFile TypeDownload
ESP Report SpecificationsRequirements for preparing study reportsPDFDownload File
Report TemplateConvenient template for creating a report; includes report sections and stylesMicrosoft® WordDownload File
Technical Summary Specifications, Sample and TemplateInformation for preparing a separate technical summary fileMicrosoft® WordDownload File

ESPIS Study Footprint Specifications

The following files capture information needed for representing an ESP study in ESPIS. A Study Footprint geographically references the area where the ESP study is applicable. There may be many choices for identifying the relevant ESP study area, but when multiple options are available, it is advisable to choose the most precise geographic reference possible (please see the study footprint guidance for more information). This will help ensure that the geographic queries of ESPIS return relevant search results. The ESP Study Footprint Metadata is specified by the data dictionary and metadata template. This captures all scientific and administrative information needed to catalog ESP data and information used for managing the Environmental Studies Program Information System.

FileDescriptionFile TypeDownload
ESP Study Footprint TemplateSchema used for physically representing the ESP Study Footprint in ArcGISZIPDownload File
ESP Study Footprint Data DictionaryGuidelines on required content for the ESP Study MetadataMicrosoft® ExcelDownload File
ESP Study Footprint Metadata TemplateXML schema used for physically representing ESP Study MetadataXMLDownload File

For awards prior to April 2021, prior specifications may apply. Contact your Contracting Officer’s Representative or Project Officer to determine the appropriate specification for your project.