Environmental Studies Planning

SDP FY25 Cover

Science for Informed Decisions

BOEM must comply with numerous environmental statutes, regulations, and executive orders to carry out its mission. BOEM is dedicated to acquiring and using the highest quality scientific information in support of Bureau decisions. To that end, the Environmental Studies Program (ESP) employs a rigorous planning, review, and procurement process to meet the nation's environmental research needs for Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) resource assessments.

ESP staff from Headquarters and Regional program offices prepare the annual Studies Development Plan (SDP) to cover a two-year planning period. The plan includes brief study descriptions or profiles that describe proposed studies for the upcoming fiscal year and for one successive year. Proposed studies are evaluated for program relevance, programmatic timeliness, and scientific merit.

BOEM has formulated its Fiscal Year 2025-2026 Studies Development Plan covering all BOEM energy and minerals activities. It includes studies proposed for Alaska, Atlantic, Gulf of America, and Pacific OCS areas.

Additionally, BOEM consults with the Committee on Offshore Science and Assessment as a source of independent, scientifically credible, and objective information on topics of interest for the environmental studies and assessment activities and to support discussions on relevant issues. Collectively, these inputs contribute to the development of research plans.

BOEM maintains a complete description of ongoing BOEM studies by region. Each listing describes the research being conducted, the scientific discipline, the institution performing the work, the cost of the effort, timeframe, and any associated publications, presentations, or affiliated web sites.

Previous SDPs

2024-2025 |  2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | 2021-20222020-2022 | 2019-2021 | 2018-2020 | 2017-2019 | 2016-2018 | 2015-2017 | 2014-2016 | 2013-2015 | 2012-2014 | 2011-2013

National Studies List

While the SDP serves a primarily internal planning function, it is a publicly available document and is used to communicate the proposed studies both internally within BOEM and externally with potential partners and other interested parties. The SDP and resulting studies undergo peer review at several stages to ensure the quality of the work proposed. When completed, the annual SDP forms the basis for the National Studies List (NSL), which represents the proposed studies for a given fiscal year, subject to the availability of funds.

To formulate the NSL, each region and program develops a priority order for their studies proposed. These lists are evaluated again by Headquarters, principally considering program relevance, timing, and budgetary constraints. Discussions are conducted with each of the regional/program offices, and when consensus is achieved, the NSL is recommended for approval. Once the annual appropriations for the Department have been approved, studies on the NSL are procured via competitive procurements, cooperative agreements with a State institution or university, or through inter/intra agency agreements with other Federal agencies. BOEM highly values studies procured through the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) with other governmental, industry, academic, tribal, non-governmental, and foundation partners. This allows all the parties to leverage financial, human, maritime, and other technological assets to meet mission objectives. BOEM's ESP seeks innovative approaches and technologies to help us advance the science program.

It is important to note that the NSL is subject to change throughout the course of the year as conditions warrant and due to budgetary constraints.

National Studies List for 2025

Alaska Studies
NSL #Study TitleDisciplineProcurement TypeBOEM Contact
New Requests
AK-25-01University of Alaska Coastal Marine InstituteHabitat & EcologyCooperative AgreementBurril
AK-25-02​​Assessment and Minimization of Avian Collision and Displacement Risk Associated with Renewable Energy Infrastructure in the Cook Inlet Planning Area, AlaskaHabitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementBurril
AK-25-03Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Cetaceans in Lower Cook Inlet, AlaskaMarine Mammals and Protected SpeciesInteragency AgreementBonsell
AK-25-04Distribution and Abundance of Threatened Steller’s Eiders in the Cook Inlet Planning Area: Use of Photographic Monitoring and Satellite TelemetryHabitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementBurril
Continuing Requirements
AK-20-07Early Detection Plan for Marine Non-Native Species on the Arctic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)Fates & EffectsInteragency AgreementBurril
AK-22-01Lower Cook Inlet Fish and Invertebrate Community Composition, Distribution, and DensityHabitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementBurril
AK-24-01Updating Lower Cook Inlet Seabird Colony CountsHabitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementBurril
AK-24-03Alaska Coastal Marine InstituteInformation ManagementCooperative AgreementBurril

Atlantic Studies
NSL #Study TitleDisciplineProcurement TypeBOEM Contact
New Requests
AT-23-01Gulf of Maine Socioeconomic Impacts of OCS Wind Development on FishingSocio-EconomicsContractChaky
AT-23-04Baseline Tourism and Recreation Along the Gulf of MaineSocio-EconomicsCooperative AgreemenChaky
AT-23-06Offshore Wind Turbine Visibility StudySocio-EconomicsContractMcCarty
AT-24-01BOEM Offshore Wind Energy Facility Emission Estimating Tool Version 3.0Air QualityContractHogan
AT-25-01Maintenance of the Northwest Atlantic Seabird CatalogInformation ManagementInteragency AgreementBigger
AT-25-02Behavioral Response Workshop for North Atlantic Right WhalesMarine Mammals and Protected SpeciesContractBaker
AT-25-03Baleen Whale Behavior and Biological Sampling During Construction of Offshore Wind FarmsMarine Mammals and Protected SpeciesInteragency AgreementBaker
AT-25-04Integrating High-quality Movement Data from Proxy Species into the Stochastic Collision Risk Assessment for Movement ModelHabitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementBigger
AT-25-05Applying Distributed Acoustic Sensing Technology to Monitor Large Whales at Atlantic Offshore Wind AreasMarine Mammals and Protected SpeciesCooperative AgreementGuan
Continuing Requirements
AT-22-06Mapping abundance, distribution, and foraging ecology of gray seals in the North AtlanticMarine Mammals and ProtectInteragency AgreementWisman
AT-22-07Exploring the Connectivity Among Offshore Wind TurbinesFates & EffectsCooperative AgreementJensen
AT-24-03Ocean Environmental Monitoring and Sound Propagation Study at Mid-Atlantic Shelfbreak Offshore Wind AreaPhysical OceanographyCooperative AgreementGuan
AT-24-04Collecting Fisheries Ecological Knowledge (FEK) for Use in Gulf of Maine Offshore Wind PlanningSocio-EconomicsCooperative AgreementJensen

Gulf of America Studies
NSL #Study TitleDisciplineProcurement TypeBOEM Contact
New Requests
GM-25-02Air Quality Modeling in the Gulf of Mexico Region - 2025 UpdateAir QualityInteragency AgreementRen
GM-25-03Airborne Air Emission Surveys of Oil and Gas Activities in the Gulf of Mexico RegionAir QualityInteragency AgreementRen
Continuing Requirements
GM-21-01Offshore Analysis of Seafloor Instability and Sediments (OASIS Partnership) With Applications to Offshore Safety and Marine ArchaeologyPhysical OceanographyCooperative Agreement & Interagency AgreementDamour
GM-22-03Long-Term Coral Reef Monitoring at Flower Garden Banks (FGB), Gulf of Mexico: 2023-2026Habitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementCaporaso
GM-22-05Reevaluating BOEM’s Guidelines for Identifying Submerged Pre-Contact Archaeological Sites in the Gulf of MexicoSocio-EconomicsCooperative AgreementDamour
GM-22-06Benthic Community Characterization at BOEM “No Activities Zones”Habitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementCaporaso
GM-24-02Northern Gulf of Mexico Monitoring for Protected SpeciesMarine Mammals and Protected SpeciesInteragency Agreement & ContractKarrigan
GM-24-03aGulf Coast Community and Cultural Impact Baselines SurveySocio-EconomicsCooperative AgreementSorset
USGS Requirements
GM-23-01Assessing Avian Collision-Risk for Offshore Wind Development in the Gulf of Mexico: A Remote Sensing ApproachHabitat & EcologyUSGSWhite

Pacific Studies
NSL #Study TitleDisciplineProcurement TypeBOEM Contact
New Requests
PC-25-01Guidance on Compensatory Mitigation to Achieve Net Positive Impacts of Offshore Wind Energy to SeabirdsFates & EffectsCooperative AgreementPereksta
PC-25-02Probability Analysis of Derelict Fishing Gear Interactions with Floating Offshore Wind Mooring Systems Offshore CaliforniaFates & EffectsCooperative AgreementReeb
PC-25-03Ichthyoplankton Entrainment Assessment for High Voltage Direct Current Cooling SystemsHabitat & EcologyTBDSchroeder
PC-24-02Traditional Native Hawaiian Voyaging and Cultural Fishing and Boating Practices on the OCSSocio-EconomicsCooperative AgreementWright
PC-25-04Impacts of Floating Offshore Wind Subsurface Infrastructure to Hydrodynamics, Biogeochemistry, and Primary Productivity in the Pacific OCSPhysical OceanographyCooperative AgreementKojima
PC-25-05Comprehensive Vulnerability of Marine Birds to Inform Offshore Wind Energy Development Throughout Waters Surrounding Pacific Offshore Continental Shelf of HawaiʻiHabitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementPereksta
Continuing Requirements
PC-22-01Kaiwi Channel, Hawai'i Traditional Cultural LandscapesSocio-EconomicsCooperative AgreementPotter
PC-22-03Birds, Bats, and Beyond: Networked Wildlife Tracking along the Pacific Coast of the U.S.Habitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementPereksta
PC-22-07bMaritime Heritage of the U.S. Pacific IslandsSocio-EconomicsCooperative AgreementBall
PC-23-01BOEM-MARINe (Multi-Agency Rocky Intertidal Network)Habitat & EcologyCooperative AgreementZaleski
PC-23-02aPacific Marine Assessment Partnership for Protected Species (PacMAPPS) II: Hawaiian ArchipelagoMarine Mammals and Protected SpeciesInteragency AgreementReeb
PC-23-03Facilitating Resilience and Adaptation in Commercial Fisheries in Response to Offshore Renewable Energy Development and Climate ChangeSocio-EconomicsInteragency AgreementSchroeder
PC-23-04Characterization of the Distribution, Movements, and Foraging Habitat of Endangered Leatherback Turtles in Designated Critical Habitat off the U.S. West Coast, Phase IMarine Mammals and Protected SpeciesInteragency AgreementReeb
PC-24-03Characterization of Water Column Habitats to Understand Potential Impacts from Deepwater Energy and Mineral DevelopmentHabitat & EcologyCooperative AgreementPotter

Marine Minerals Studies
NSL #Study TitleDisciplineProcurement TypeBOEM Contact
New Requests
MM-24-01Developing a Critical Minerals Environmental Assessment Framework for Critical Minerals ActivitiesHabitat & EcologyContractLe
MM-25-01Coastal Marine and Ecological Classification Standard Application: Offshore Energy and Minerals DevelopmentInformation ManagementCooperative AgreementTurner
MM-25-02Updating the Dredging Project Emissions CalculatorAir QualityContractBucatari
MM-25-03Modeling Food Web Effects from DredgingHabitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementHansen
MM-25-04Environmental Evaluation of the Critical and Hard Offshore Mineral Programmatic ReferenceMarine Mammals and Protected SpeciesInteragency AgreementCofield
MM-25-05Regional Interconnectivity of Mobile Marine Organisms among Gulf of Mexico Sand ShoalsHabitat & EcologyCooperative AgreementRice
Continuing Requirements
MM-22-02Sturgeon Response to Dredge Activities and Recovery After Trawl Capture Near Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Sand ResourcesHabitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementHansen
MM-22-03Fish Fry: Frying Pan Shoals Ecosystem DynamicsFates & EffectsCooperative AgreementBucatari
MM-23-03Accounting for Scale Bias in Marine Minerals StudiesHabitat & EcologyCooperative AgreementHansen
MM-24-02In Situ Sampling at a Historic Equipment Test Site on the Blake PlateauHabitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementRasser
USGS Requirements
MM-21-03Environmental Impacts of the Deepsea Ventures Seabed Mining Equipment Test on the Blake PlateauHabitat & EcologyUSGSRasser
MM-22-02Sturgeon Response to Dredge Activities and Recovery After Trawl Capture Near Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Sand ResourcesMarine Mammals and Protected SpeciesUSGSRasser

National Studies
NSL #Study TitleDisciplineProcurement TypeBOEM Contact
New Requests
NT-25-01Sound Source Characterization of Dynamic Positioning Systems: Field VerificationFates & EffectsContractReeve
NT-25-02Developing a Reliable Biosurveillance Monitoring System for Offshore Energy Activities Using Environmental DNAHabitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementWhite
NT-25-03Vibroacoustic Sensitivity and Subacute Biological Effects of Economically Important Fishes and Shellfishes from Marine Renewable Energy DevelopmentHabitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementGuan
NT-25-04High-performance Computing and Technical Support for BOEM’s Aerial Imagery Monitoring SurveysHabitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementWhite
NT-25-05Inventory and Assessment of Coastal and Submerged Archaeological and Historical Sites along the U.S. Caribbean TerritoriesSocio-EconomicsCooperative AgreementMoore
NT-25-06Offshore Wind Farm Impacts on the Hydrodynamics and Biogeochemistry in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin IslandsPhysical OceanographyCooperative AgreementJi
Continuing Requirements
NT-19-07Archaeological Investigations in Support of Development of Energy and Mineral Resources on the US Outer Continental ShelfSocio-EconomicsContractHorrell
NT-20-03Next Generation of Animal Telemetry: NASA Payload DevelopmentHabitat & EcologyInteragency Agreement & Cooperative AgreementLevenson
NT-21-01Facilitating Strategic Partnerships in Support of the Presidential Memo on Ocean Mapping, Exploration, and CharacterizationHabitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementMueller
NT-22-01Capacity Building and Collaboration with the Aquinnah and Mashpee Wampanoag TribesSocio-EconomicsCooperative AgreementHorrell
NT-22-02Offshore Air Quality (AQ) from NASA’s Satellites and Related ExperimentsAir QualityInteragency AgreementWecht
NT-22-03Understanding Impacts of Habitat Modifications on Commercial Fisheries and Apex Predator DistributionHabitat & EcologyContractLevenson
NT-23-01Addressing Key Information Gaps in Acoustic Ecology of North Atlantic Right WhalesMarine Mammals and Protected SpeciesCooperative AgreementLevenson
NT-23-02NASA Aircraft Measurements in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM)Air QualityInteragency AgreementWecht
NT-23-09Offshore Wind Farm Impacts on Pacific Upwelling, Nutrients, and ProductivityHabitat & EcologyInteragency AgreementKilpatrick
NT-23-11Substrate-Borne Vibroacoustic Disturbances from Offshore Wind Construction: Measurements, Physical Characteristics, and PropagationFates & EffectsCooperative AgreementGuan
NT-24-01National Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil Spill Occurrence RatesFates & EffectsCooperative AgreementJi
NT-24-03Socio-Cultural and Economic Impacts of Changing Energy TrendsSocio-EconomicsContractMansfield
NT-24-06Using Coast Guard’s AIS Vessel and Federal Aviation Administration’s NextGen Helicopter Data to Track BOEM-Authorized ActivitiesAir QualityContractWecht
NT-24-x08A Biogeographic Assessment of the U.S. TerritoriesInformation ManagementInteragency AgreementRasser
NT-24-x12Establishing a Baseline Offshore Monitoring Program of Birds, Cetaceans, and Turtles in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands"Marine Mammals and Protected SpeciesInteragency AgreementWhite