Volume I: Chapters 1-4
Volume II: Appendices A-P
- Appendix A: Required Environmental Permits and Consultations
- Appendix B: Supplemental Information and Additional Figures and Tables
- Appendix C: Project Design Envelope and Maximum-Case Scenario
- Appendix D: Geographical Analysis Areas
- Appendix E: Project Design Envelope and Maximum-Case Scenario
- Appendix F: Analysis of Incomplete and Unavailable Information
- Appendix G: Impact-Producing Factor Tables
- Appendix H: Mitigation and Monitoring
- Appendix I: Seascape, Landscape, and Visual Impact Assessment (SLVIA)
- Attachment I-1 Scenic Resources Overview Map
- Attachment I-2 Identified Existing Scenic and Visually Sensitive Resources within the Visual Study Area
- Attachment I-3A Key Observation Points Visual Simulations of Proposed Action - Project Design Envelope (PDE)
- Attachment I-3B Key Observation Points Visual Simulations of Proposed Action - Project Design Envelope (PDE) Horizontal Occupation Assessment
- Attachment I-3C Key Observation Points Visual Simulations of Proposed Action - Project Design Envelope (PDE) Panorama Visual Simulations
- Attachment I-4 Key Observation Points Information and Assessments
- Attachment I-5A Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations
- Attachment I-5B Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations
- Attachment I-5C Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations
- Attachment I-5D Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations
- Appendix J: Finding of Adverse Effect for Historic Properties and Draft Memorandum of Agreement
- Appendix K: References Cited
- Appendix L: Glossary
- Appendix M: List of Preparers and Reviewers
- Appendix N: Distribution List
- Appendix O: Public Comments and Responses on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (not included in this submittal)
- Appendix P: USACE 404(b)(1) Analysis