- Virtual Meeting Room
- Virtual Meeting Schedule
- Registration
- How to Comment
- Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the Vineyard Wind Supplement to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) Virtual Meeting Room. Your participation is an essential part of BOEM’s renewable energy program. As you are aware, BOEM published a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Vineyard Wind I project in December 2018 for public comment.
In response to your feedback, we developed a SEIS which expanded the cumulative activities scenario for offshore wind development beyond what was considered in the DEIS. This expanded scenario includes all named wind projects and state demand that can be met with existing leases. It also considers previously unavailable fishing data, a new transit lane alternative, and changes to the Construction and Operations Plan. For more information, please find the SEIS below:
- Notice of Availability of Vineyard Wind SEIS
- Vineyard Wind SEIS
- Vineyard Wind SEIS (Large Print)
- BOEM Presentation
- Vineyard Wind DEIS
- Vineyard Wind Construction and Operations Plan
When clicking on the icons below, you are able to “walk” from station to station and hear from subject matter experts on various aspects of the SEIS. We hope this information helps inform your comments and answers any questions you might have.
In addition to the virtual meeting room, we will be hosting five virtual meetings where you can learn more about the SEIS, ask questions, and provide oral testimony.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Information Stations
Cumulative Impacts
Commercial Fishing
Marine Mammals
Cultural and Historic Preservation
Benthic Habitat
We want to hear from you. In addition to the virtual meeting room, we will be hosting five virtual meeting sessions where you can learn more about the SEIS, ask questions, and provide oral testimony. In addition to the optional registration, please see the following for participating in a virtual meeting session.
For those participating through the webinar AND audio line:
Prior to attending a virtual meeting session, please visit the website boemorep.zoomgov.com and enter the meeting ID for the session you plan to attend (listed below). You will be sent to a landing page and asked to give your first name, last name, and email address to sign into the meeting. BOEM suggests completing this step at least 5-10 minutes ahead of the meeting start time, though it may be done at any time. Once you submit this information, you will see the link to enter the webinar. The link will also be sent to the email address provided. Once you enter the meeting, use your phone to call into the audio line and enter the participant code.
Audio will only be available through the phone line. All phone lines will be muted by the operator until the public testimony portion of the meeting, but you will be able to interact with BOEM staff through the chat and Q&A features on the webinar.
For those participating through the phone line only:
If you plan to participate in the meeting by phone only, we ask that you submit your questions to BOEM in advance, if possible, by calling (847) 258-8992 or emailing boempublicaffairs@boem.gov.
Meeting format:
Each meeting will begin with a presentation by BOEM and will be recorded and posted here. After the presentation, you will have the opportunity to provide comments/statements and ask questions. We will answer questions at the end of the BOEM presentation and again, after public testimony. All comments and questions received during the meeting will be part of the public record.
If you require a paper copy of the SEIS or public meeting materials, please contact us at boempublicaffairs@boem.gov or (847) 258-8992.
Friday, June 26, 2020 |
Tuesday, June 30, 2020 |
Thursday, July 2, 2020 |
Tuesday, July 7, 2020 |
Thursday, July 9, 2020 |
Thank you for your participation in BOEM’s virtual public meetings on the Supplement to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the proposed Vineyard Wind 1 Offshore Energy Project. For more information, please see: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=BOEM-2020-0005-0001.
If you require a paper copy of the SEIS or public meeting materials, please contact us at boempublicaffairs@boem.gov or (847) 258-8992.
Your feedback is an essential part of this process. BOEM will accept comments on the Supplement to the Draft EIS in any of the following ways:
- During any of the virtual public meetings, you may provide oral testimony. BOEM will limit such testimony to five minutes per speaker. Any speaker who wishes to provide more information than the five minutes allowed is encouraged to do so as a written comment.
- You may submit written comments electronically using Regulations.gov here: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=BOEM-2020-0005-0001.
- You may also submit written comments by mail. Enclose your comment in an envelope labeled, “Vineyard Wind 1 COP Supplement to the Draft EIS” addressed to “Program Manager, Office of Renewable Energy, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 45600 Woodland Road, VAM-OREP, Sterling, Virginia 20166.” Comments must be postmarked no later than July 27, 2020.
What is BOEM's mission?
BOEM is the bureau within the Department of the Interior that oversees the environmentally and economically responsible development of our energy and mineral resources on almost 2.5 billion acres of the nation’s Outer Continental Shelf, or OCS. All our activities are underlain by our robust environmental program, which ensures that we develop and use the best available science in our decision making.
We also consider public input to be a critical component of safe and responsible offshore resource management. We solicit public comments from a host of stakeholders and ocean users, including the fishing community, mariners, and coastal communities, in our environmental reviews and regulatory programs.
Why has BOEM published this Supplement to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS)?
BOEM remains committed to a permitting process that minimizes user conflicts and establishes a strong foundation for wind projects moving forward.
BOEM received comments from stakeholders and cooperating agencies on the December 2018 Vineyard Wind Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) requesting a more robust analysis of cumulative impacts. Considering such comments and taking into account the recent state offshore wind procurement announcements, BOEM expanded the future offshore wind development scenario considered in the cumulative analysis by supplementing the Draft EIS. This comprehensive analysis is intended to better address potential conflicts with other ocean uses, such as commercial fishing and navigation. The future environmental reviews of other projects will also include a broader activities scenario.
In addition, Vineyard Wind made updates to the proposed Project since publication of the Draft EIS. These changes include an increase in the maximum turbine capacity. The updates are described in the Supplement to the Draft EIS (SEIS). To the extent they are applicable, the changes to the proposed Project are analyzed in the action alternatives assessed in the SEIS.
The Supplement to the DEIS also analyzes previously unavailable fishing data and a transit lane alternative proposed by the fishing community.
Why have meetings during this time?
To the greatest extent possible, we are working to maintain services to the American people and our stakeholders, consistent with evolving guidance provided by the CDC and state and local health authorities. As such, we are moving forward with our public meetings in a virtual environment in order to provide information to our public in the safest and most efficient way possible. The public meetings, while virtual, are an opportunity for public involvement and an opportunity to provide comments on the SEIS.
What is the process for finalizing BOEM’s decision on the proposed Project?
Following the comment period, BOEM will assess and consider all comments received from the Draft EIS public comment period as well as during the SEIS public comment period in the Final EIS. BOEM will also incorporate the updated cumulative scenario and effects analysis from the SEIS into the Final EIS. NEPA requires BOEM to wait a minimum of 30 days after the Final EIS is published before issuing a Record of Decision (ROD). Under One Federal Decision, the ROD is the decision point for BOEM, the US Army Corps of Engineers and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. For BOEM’s decision, the ROD will state whether BOEM intends to approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the Vineyard Wind 1 Project Construction and Operations Plan (COP) for construction, operation, and eventual decommissioning of the proposed Project within Lease Area OCS-A 0501.
How can stakeholders comment on this SEIS?
Your feedback is an essential part of this process. BOEM will accept comments on the SEIS in any of the following ways:
- During any of the virtual public meetings, you may provide oral testimony. BOEM will limit such testimony to five minutes per speaker. Any speaker who wishes to provide more information than five minutes allow should do so as a written comment.
- You may submit written comments electronically via http://www.regulations.gov by searching for Docket No. BOEM-2020-0005 and clicking the “Comment Now!” button to the right of the document link. Enter your information and comment, then click “Submit.”
- You may also submit written comments by mail. Enclose your comment in an envelope labeled, “Vineyard Wind 1 COP Supplement to the Draft EIS,” addressed to “Program Manager, Office of Renewable Energy, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 45600 Woodland Road, VAM-OREP, Sterling, Virginia 20166.” Comments must be postmarked no later than July 27, 2020.
BOEM does not consider anonymous comments. Please include your name and address as part of your submittal. All comments will be made part of the public record and may be publicly posted without change.
What type of input or comments is BOEM seeking?
Comments should be as specific as possible. For example, a substantive comment can point out a specific flaw in the SEIS, suggest alternate methodologies and the reason(s) why they should be used, make factual corrections, provide new information about the Proposed Action, or identify a different source of credible research which, if used in the analysis, could disclose different effects.