October/November/December 2008
- In Good Company - Partnerships Advance MMS Objectives
- Sea Otter Research Expedition to Bering Island - Northwest to Russia
- Wildlife Biologist Greg Sanders
- Sea Otter
- Dynamics of the Loop Current in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
- 2008 Hurricane Season
- Cold-Water Corals - Deepwater Coral Expedition in the Gulf of Mexico
- Study of Inspection Methodologies for Offshore Wind Turbines
- Alternative Energy Markets and Infrastructure Needs
- Feasting on Oil - MMS-Funded Study Reveals Organisms that Eat Oil
- West Coast Governors Take Action
- New Waves - Late-Breaking News & Information

- Alternative Energy and Alternate Uses - Leases and Proposed Regulations
- Technology Assessment and Research (TAR) Program Addresses New Challenges
- North Pacific Right Whale
- North Aleutian Basin Scoping Meetings
- Oceanographic Study of Bristol Bay
- Senior Marine Archaeologist Dave Ball
- Preserving and Respecting U.S. Maritime History in the Atlantic
- Western Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 207
- Updated Whales and Dolphins Poster
- Biotechnology and Marine Organisms on Southern California Offshore Platforms
- New Waves - Late-Breaking News & Information

- Water World - MMS Stewardship and Supervision of the Ocean Environment
- Bringing Up the Past - "Mardi Gras" Shipwreck Excavation
- New Frontiers on the Horizon
- Reaching Out - Establishing Limits on the Continental Shelf
- Sounds of the Sea - Sperm Whale Research in the Gulf of Mexico
- New Development in the Gulf of Mexico
- Pushing New Limits - Ohmsett Tests High-Capacity Skimming Systems
- Oil and Gas Revenues Fund the Future
- Ocean Sciences Meeting in Orlando
- New Waves - Late-Breaking News & Information

- Deep-sea Cornucopia: Unwrapping the Ocean's Potential
- Uncovering Possibilities in the Chukchi Sea
- Shell and NOAA Pool Resources in the Gulf
- Exploring the Details of the Detail
- Working in the Ice: TAR Evaluates Arctic Offshore Technology
- Shelling Out for the Shore - Coastal Impact Assistance Program Funds Protection of Louisiana's Shoreline
- Harvesting the Deep: Marine Biotechnology Research and Potential
- Rigging Up Residence: Rigs-to-Reefs Program Creates New Habitats for Underwater Species
- Offshore Operations Inspection - Safe Resource Development Has Its Rewards
- MMS Receives Award for Study of Shipwrecks as Artificial Reefs
- The MMS Portfolio - Published Professionals
- New Waves - Late-Breaking News & Information