Ocean Science is the science and technology journal of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). The bureau funds on average $30 million per year for scientific studies in the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Arctic. Data gained from these studies inform policy decisions regarding offshore oil, natural gas and renewable energy development. The information is also used by other federal and state agencies in decision-making and by members of academia and experts in the private sector. BOEM is one of the leading contributors to the body of scientific knowledge about the nation’s marine and coastal environments.
Public Outreach Through the BOEM Ocean Science Journal: BOEM Biologists Meet with High School Student Exploring a Career in Marine Biology
October/November/December 2016
- BOEM's Renewable Energy Program: Major Strides for Offshore Wind in the United States
- Fisheries Studies in the Atlantic and Pacific Regions
- Are You Ready for the RODEO?
- Avian Studies in the 21st Century
- Ocean Modeling and Renewable Energy Siting
- Studying the Socioeconomic Impacts of OCS Development
- Atlantic Ocean Energy and Mineral Science
- Benthic Habitats and Renewable Energy Structures as Fish-Attracting Devices
- BOEM's Historic Preservation Program: Why is Historic Preservation Important?
- Atlantic Region Preservation and Partnerships
- Historic Preservation in the Pacific Region
- Archaeological Preservation in the Gulf of Mexico
- Cultural and Archaeological Resources in the Alaska Region
- The Human Environment: What is Social Science?
- BOEM's Social Science Research
- The Gulf of Mexico - An Historical Review
- Research in Support of Offshore Wind Energy Development in the Atlantic Region
- Alaska Region: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge
- Renewable Energy Development for the Pacific Region