August/September/October/November 2018
- Sharing the Ocean with Marine Mammals
- From Tagging to Traditional Knowledge: Marine Mammal Studies in Alaska
- Examining Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Mexico
- Taking a Closer Look at Marine Mammals in the Pacific Region
- Listening for Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises along the Atlantic Coast
- What are the Physical Sciences?
- Understanding Ocean Circulation in Alaska's Arctic Waters
- Physical Sciences Studies in the Atlantic Region: Anticipate, Estimate, and Integrate
- From the Seafloor to the Sky: Physical Sciences in the Gulf of Mexico Region
- Modeling Studies Inform Conventional and Renewable Energy Activities in the Pacific Region
December/January/February/March 2018
- What's on the Shelf ? Assessing Oil and Gas Resources on the OCS
- BOEM and USGS Collaborate on the National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys
- BOEM's Billion-Pixel Gulf of Mexico Seafloor Map
- Geosciences in the Pacific: Using Technology and Collaboration in Managing Oil and Gas Resources
- Visualizing 3D Data in the Gulf of Mexico Region
- Vibrating on Ice: Unique Methods to Image the Arctic Sub-Seabed
- Methane Hydrates on the OCS
- Continuous Learning on the Outcrop: BOEM Earth Scientists Take to the Field