Ocean Science is the science and technology journal of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). The bureau funds on average $30 million per year for scientific studies in the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Arctic. Data gained from these studies inform policy decisions regarding offshore oil, natural gas and renewable energy development. The information is also used by other federal and state agencies in decision-making and by members of academia and experts in the private sector. BOEM is one of the leading contributors to the body of scientific knowledge about the nation’s marine and coastal environments.
- Tradeoffs: Evaluating Costs and Benefits at BOEM
- Predicting the Pattern of Oil & Gas Development in the Gulf of Mexico
- Sharing Outer Continental Shelf Revenues
- The Economic Impacts of Outer Continental Shelf Oil & Gas Activities
- Oil & Gas and Renewable Wind Energy: Leasing Processes and Auction Formats
- The Role of the Outer Continental Shelf in Domestic Oil and Gas Markets
- The Importance of Field Work
- Assessing New England Sand Shoals
- Deep SEARCH's On-going Mission
- Understanding oil Spill Impacts Using Archaeology, Geochemistry, and Microbial Ecology
- BOEM-NASA Offshore Air Quality Program
- MARINe Celebrates 10 Years of Surveying Oregon's Coast
- Deepwater EXPRESS Campaign Hits Its Stride
- Arctic Integrated Ecosystem Survey of the Chukchi Sea
- Beluga Whale Winter Aerial Survey
- Hidden Ocean Cruise to the Chukchi Sea
- Spotlight on a Scientist - Jacob Levenson