SouthCoast Wind submitted its Construction and Operations Plan (COP) on February 15, 2021. Updated COP versions were submitted on August 30, 2021, October 28, 2021, March 16, 2022, December 22, 2022, September 19, 2023, July 31, 2024, and November 1, 2024.
SouthCoast Wind intends to develop, build, and operate a commercial offshore wind energy facility capable of producing up to 2,400 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy. The project is located within federal waters on the OCS, specifically in BOEM Renewable Energy Lease Area OCS-A 0521, approximately 23 miles offshore Massachusetts.
- SouthCoast COP Volume I
- SouthCoast COP Volume II
- Appendix A - Agency Correspondence
- Appendix B - Certified Verification Agent - Confidential
- Appendix C - Conceptual Project Design Drawings
- Appendix D1 - Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Certification
- Appendix D2 - Rhode Island Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Certification
- Appendix E - Marine Site Investigation Report - Confidential
- Appendix F1 - Sediment Plume Impacts from Construction Activities
- Appendix F2 - Scour Potential Impacts from Operational Phase and Post-Construction Infrastructure
- Appendix F3 - Brayton Point Export Cable Hydrodynamic and Sediment Dispersion Model Report
- Appendix F4 - Nantucket Shoals Hydrodynamic Impacts Study
- Appendix G - Air Emissions Report - Confidential
- Appendix H - Water Quality Report
- Appendix I1 - Avian Exposure Risk Assessment
- Appendix I2 - Bat Risk Assessment
- Appendix J - Terrestrial Vegetation and Wildlife Assessment Report
- Appendix K - Seagrass and Macroalgae Report
- Appendix L1 - Offshore Designated Protected Areas Report
- Appendix L2 - Onshore Protected Lands Report
- Appendix M - Benthic and Shellfish Resources Characterization Report
- Appendix N - Essential Fish Habitat and Protected Fish Species Assessment
- Appendix N1 - Essential Fish Habitat and Protected Fish Species Assessment - Addendum
- Appendix O - Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Monitoring and Mitigation Plan
- Appendix O.2 - North Atlantic Right Whale Monitoring and Mitigation Plan
- Appendix P1 - Electric and Magnetic Field (EMF) Assessment for the Proposed Mayflower Wind Project
- Appendix P2 - High Voltage Direct Current Electric and Magnetic Field (EMF) Assessment
- Appendix Q - Marine Archaeological Resources Assessment
- Appendix R1 - Falmouth Phase 1A Public Summary
- Appendix R2 - Aquidneck Phase 1A 1B Public Summary
- Appendix R3 - Brayton Point Phase 1A Public Summary
- Appendix S - AVEHP Public Summary
- Appendix S1 - AVEHP Brayton Point Public Summary
- Appendix T - Visual Impact Assessment
- Appendix T1 - Cape Cod Onshore Simulations
- Appendix T2 - Martha's Vineyard Simulations
- Appendix T3 - Nantucket Simulations
- Appendix T.1 – Onshore Visual Impact Assessment – Brayton Point
- Appendix U1 - In-Air Acoustic Assessment Report
- Appendix U2 - Underwater Acoustic Modeling of Construction Sound and Animal Exposure Estimation
- Appendix V - Commercial and Recreational Fisheries and Fishing Activity Technical Report - Confidential
- Appendix W - Fisheries Communication Plan
- Appendix X - Navigation Safety Risk Assessment
- Appendix Y1 - Obstruction Evaluation & Airspace Analysis
- Appendix Y2 - Air Traffic Flow Analysis
- Appendix Y3 - Aircraft Detection Lighting System Efficacy Analysis
- Appendix Y4 - Radar and Navigational Aid Screening Study
- Appendix Z - Safety Management System - Confidential
- Appendix AA - Oil Spill Response Plan (OSRP)
- Appendix BB - Economic Development Report - Confidential